A Better Memory Than An Elephant...

Question:  Who has a better memory than elephants?
Answer:      VOTERS!
If you forget everything else you've heard during this political election cycle, remember this:
    Why in the world would we want to turn over what little
    bit of rights we Middle and Lower Class now have.. to the
    election of more Republicans who will simply turn over
    what's left to the country's richest?
Montana's U.S. Senate Republican Candidate, Steve Daines, is not only in favor of more power to America's rich and super-rich, but he is ONE OF THEM!  His financial report shows assets worth somewhere between $9 and $33 million.  Who do you think he will continue to represent?  He proved his allegiance to the rich - which was a vote for himself, too - when he was elected as a Republican Tea Party Member in the U.S. House, and voted their wishes straight down the party line. 
And need we remind you that he is also in favor of repealing - or privatizing - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and "Obamacare."  He and his friends are on a deadly course to decimate the Middle and Lower Class programs in order to give even more tax cuts and corporate welfare to the rich.
The majority of Americans want to eliminate the big money, big business, buying of politicians, and power-grabbing that is going on in our politics.  Why do we - here in Montana - want to elect Daines and add to that problem?
The answer is to get everyone to the ballot boxes this November.  If that doesn't happen, we're back at square one.


  1. Remember VOTE..... Republican!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Remember to VOTE......Just VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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