Sunday, September 7, 2014

Politics ain't for sissies...

As I listened to Newt Gingrich spew his hatred for President Obama and the entire Democratic Party this morning on CNN's  "State of the Union," I tried to put myself into the minds of Americans who really don't know who to believe anymore.

Ask a question about the weather in Montana and Gingrich can give you five quick ready-to-serve negatives about the president before your hat can hit the floor.

It's negative politics - Republican style - that we have had to endure ever since Obama first stepped foot inside the Oval Office; and yet the economy, unemployment, two wars, financial markets, corporate earnings, and a host of other data...all show significant improvements.

Not good enough, say the Conservative pundits!

All the while, the U.S. House has shown it can perform gridlock with the best of 'em.  As a matter of fact, they undoubtedly hold the record for being the most ineffective congress in modern times.  Added to that is their disapproval rating in the single digits for the first time in any one's memory.  They have mustered enough energy to work on impeaching the president, and if that isn't enough to fire up their base, they've decided to sue him, as well.

When your mind digests the hostility of most of the Republican Politicians the past few years, it really does feel like you just woke up from a very bad nightmare.

The Republican Party is working hard (unfortunately, not at what we sent them to do) at winning elections this November.  Their entire plan has been geared to that one goal:  Keep the House and win the Senate.  Nothing else matters...certainly not you or I!

You've heard of throwing out the baby with the bath water.  Well, the Republicans are actually fine with throwing out the country with their dirty water.

That leaves only one solution to America's problems...

Voters who give a damn.

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