Montana Politics...

A lady from Helena had her "letter to the editor" published in my hometown newspaper this morning.  She was taking Amanda Curtis, Democrat Candidate for the U.S. Senate, to task for saying she wanted to punch a Montana Republican Legislator for refusing to vote for extension of the Medicaid funds in the previous session.  Curtis was also a member of that legislative session.
The letter writer scolded Curtis for continuing the hostility in politics.  We would all like to see more peaceful solutions regarding the "art of the deal" in political debates.
My response, however, would be to advise this letter writer that it has been the Republicans who have instigated the most outrageous and ugly war of words we have seen in modern times.  Their hatchet job on the Medicaid Extension cost 70,000 Montanans access to better health care in Montana...and it was purely for political showmanship!
When Curtis said she would like to punch a Republican for that vote, she was using much more restraint than I could have mustered.
The letter writer needs to remember this old adage:  When you point your index finger at someone (or something), you need to look down at your hand and see that there are three more fingers pointing back at you.
The rebellious Republicans started this war when President Obama took office and it will take the Republicans to stop it.
In the meantime, Amanda Curtis...70,000 Montanan's rights to better health care begins where that Republican Legislator's nose ends.


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