A Pair of Political Prevaricators...

Montana is doubly cursed with two federal candidates running for office.  They both insist on lying to us.
Candidate for the U.S. House, Ryan Zinke (R), suggests he took part in killing Osama bin Laden.  An email from him stated clearly: "I spent 23 years as a Navy SEAL and served as a Team Leader on SEAL Team Six - the team responsible for the mission to get Osama bin Laden."  That email was received by John Hollow, from Helena, a former Navy SEAL. 
What the email does not say is that Zinke retired from the Navy on Jan. 30, 2008, more than three years before bin Laden was killed.  After the email was circulated, Zinke tried to make it clear he did not actually kill bin Laden.  (Of course, if anyone was to like the implication, he wouldn't object to receiving their vote.)
The other liar is in the person of Congressman Steven Daines (R-MT), candidate for the U.S. Senate. Lest you think "liar" is too harsh of a word for Daines, you need only to look into his record for proof.   He tells Montanans he will get jobs for them in our state, while he is known for sending thousands of jobs out of the country as an executive of a mega-corporation.  He voted against the Food Stamp Program and then ran home to volunteer to deliver Meals on Wheels for a photo opportunity.  He tells us he is on the side of Montana Seniors, but voted to repeal or privatize Medicare and Social Security.
Two examples of Republican fabricators seeking offices in Washington D.C. 
They've lied to us on Montana's campaign trail.  Why should we expect them to tell the truth when they're more than 2,000 miles away?


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