Forced Overhaul...

For those of you who use the statement, "You can't fix stupid," or those of you who won't accept the fact that what the GOP is doing is stupid, you all have to admit that what they are doing is wrong, wrong, wrong!
As far as I am concerned, the word "stupid" may not even apply here.  That would imply that they don't know any better, and I won't accept that premise for a minute.  They know exactly what they are doing.
The GOP's efforts to impeach the president is groundless, as is the efforts to sue him.  They have set up more roadblocks than a construction crew on the repair of a thousand-mile highway project.
Their purpose, of course, is to falsely inform the American People that if they vote for one more Democrat, they will spell doom for our country.  Even though this president has a long list of positive achievements - mostly involving the massive clean-up of the previous administration's messes - they believe the people are somehow oblivious to those facts.
It's true that the GOP needs a complete overhaul.  A recent poll shows that a majority of the American People do not like how the Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate have handled their jobs, and they also no longer trust them.
Let's help them fix their problems by sending them home.  A kind of forced help, if you will.
Don't sit home and ignore the November Election!


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