Vote With Your Mind and Heart...

And when he was asked about the Tea Party, the Elephant said, "This, too, shall pass!"
Congressman Steve Daines (R-MT) seems to be running from his Tea Party ideology...but not from the Koch Brothers' Tea Party money.  And that's unfortunate.
It's funny how some politicians eventually find that any old port in the storm will do.  Daines has wobbled and weaved,  tottered and teetered, and lurched and lied... in order to keep ahead of the criticism heaped on his Tea Party mentality.
But we also know that this particular politician has no scruples about imparting whatever message he thinks you'll want to hear.  He has been known to vote against the Food Stamp Program and then run home to Bozeman and volunteer to work Meals on Wheels for a photo opportunity.  He also tells us he's working hard to get jobs for Montanans while we read about the thousands of jobs he sent to foreign countries while he was an executive for a mega-corporation.
That's how most mega-millionaires operate.
But that doesn't mean how our next U.S. Senator from Montana should.
Vote for Amanda Curtis. She knows what Montanans need that they won't get from millionaire Daines.  She knows that America's richest do not need more tax breaks and corporate welfare.  She knows that this is an election battle that is not between Republicans and Democrats, but rather between the wealthy and the middle and lower class!


  1. I will be voting all republican this year, your blogs convinced me, Thanks

  2. Sure it did. Anyone who would vote "all republican" IS all Republican. My blog never intended to change someone like you. You can lie to me about why you are going to vote Republican...but why lie to yourself?


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