He's been called an 'Empty Suit'...

Democratic Party spokesman Bryan Watt said, "Daines is an 'empty suit' who will say or do anything to get elected, and whose time in Congress was spent supporting measures to privatize Medicare, sell of public lands, and support the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the middle and lower class."
"Daines was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run.  He doesn't have the first idea of what it means to be a working Montanan, to struggle to put food on the table, and to make ends meet," Watt said.
Those are some strong reasons to pass over Congressman Steve Daines when you vote for Montana's next U. S. Senator.
"Daines spent 27 years in the private sector working for the corporate giant Procter & Gamble and then for a technology startup called RightNow Technologies that was bought by another corporate giant, Oracle.  Those connections helped Daines create a network of deep-pocketed donors who have helped fund his $5 million campaign to date," wrote Matt Volz of the Associated Press.
Deep in our hearts, we all know that Daines is not the one to serve as Montana's next U.S. Senator.  His ties to big business, big money, and his plans to crush the remaining life out of our Middle and Lower Class is not only disturbing, but it is also disgusting.
There is another candidate that comes from - and understands - the common Montanan.  She is tough and filled with common sense.   That alone makes her a unique politician who we can all feel pride in sending to Washington.
Her name is Amanda Curtis.
Listen to her - and check out what she says for yourself.


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