
Showing posts from September, 2024


The Blogger Has Blogged His Last Blog Until November 6, 2024 Trump and Vance seem to find something - or somebody - to rip apart with conspiracy theories, bald-faced lies, or derogatory words that are designed to further their political goals.  When these two traitorous imbeciles get their political congressional members behind them, they are hard to reason with. When they get their base of "flying monkeys" and "thugs" working the streets for them, they are unstoppable.  Words from the minds of those who speak the truth have no chance, because a "win at the ballot box" is more  precious to them than a mountain of falsehoods. . . no matter how they got them.  They have transformed the minds of voters who, in ordinary times, wouldn't have given these two nit wits the time of day. But, that has all changed now. Their supporters either do not care about the truth or do not care about losing our democracy. What's harder to explain is why they think they

Our Justice Department MUST STOP THIS!

  Our Election Workers Are Being Threatened In a democracy, everything begins with a free and fair election. They give the American people the right to vote for those who will represent us in our government.  However, there is a cult of treasonous and treacherous people in our nation who have chosen to not accept the way we have always handled our elections. If it does not  give them the winners every time, they begin to mete out horrendous threats.  Election officials and workers - and their families - are now being threatened with death if they do not report the vote count in the right direction. So far, only one direction is being noted. The right-wing party is making it very clear that they intend to win - or else! The Secretary of State in Georgia received a direct phone call from the President of the United States last election, telling him to find an exact number of votes needed to win the election in his state. That man is still receiving death threats on him and his family. E

We Have Become a Paper Tiger democracy. . .

  How Do We Get Rid Of Those Who Think Like This? The politics of America is in shambles. It is reminiscent of a butcher's slaughterhouse and getting worse. What is stupefying to me is it was done in broad daylight and it has been treated as a misdemeanor by our crack Justice Department. Sure, some of the thugs have gone to jail, but our democracy is still teetering on the edge and those elected officials who were complicit  are still on the job! Think about the crime that was committed. People died, many were injured, the Capitol Building and furnishings were damaged, Congressional members were threatened, the Vice-President was threatened he would be hanged, and the Speaker of the House's life was threatened. The ultimate goal of this mob was to overturn the presidential election. Why isn't there "hell to pay" for this act? There has never been an attack like this. Our democracy, rule of law, and lives of key government officials were threatened. Today, nearly f

Trump and Vance - MAGA's extraordinaire

Two Nitwits - One Agenda The Republican/MAGA Cult  has scraped the bottom of the barrel this time! The gingham dog and the calico cat Side-by-side in the swamp they sat; 'Twas half-past twelve, and nary a blink Not one nor t' other knew how to think. The "Project Book" was safely in print Their names were not mentioned - not even a hint But I wasn't there, I simply could say What was told to me by FOX "news" that day. The gingham dog was preening his hair And the calico cat said "I wasn't there." The "Springfield lie" had now turned the tide And the gingham dog was filled with pride. The two of them sat, not a smile nor a frown They went to Ohio and burned a town down The gingham dog said, "A job well done. Now it's on to D.C., and we've got this thing won!" With apologies to Eugene Field's poem "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat"  

Dufus and Dumbo Ride Again. . .

The Dufus Guys of MAGAville, DJ Trump and JD Vance are in the process of destroying a beautiful town in Ohio. Springfield town folks are up in arms and find they must keep their pets indoors because the Dynamic Duo of Dimwits, have announced to the world that the Haitian immigrants are eating their dogs and cats. The mayor has asked for assistance from the state to station state police at the Springfield schools in response to a rash of bomb threats - the vast majority which came from overseas - after Trump and Vance falsely said legal Haitian immigrants in the small city were eating dogs and cats. Schools, government buildings and elected officials homes were among the targets of more than thirty hoax threats. Two schools were evacuated.  Springfield has had to cancel a big celebration that was planned. All of this because of these two yahoos who want to be president and vice-president of our nation. They will lie their butts off to get what they want -  no matter who they hurt and wh

A Day for a little Levity. . .

Confession of a   Social Climber Before I cash in my chips and curl up my toes, I need to confess to a terrible crime. For more than 86 years I have been a terrible liar about an important moment in of my life. As everyone who knows me is aware, I have always said my home town was Fort Benton. But, I hope everyone will find a way to forgive me for that terrible fib. I admit I was a social climber from birth. I wanted the world to know I was from a large city. When I was born, my parents and and older brother lived in the beautiful town of Virgelle, Montana. We also had a farm across the river from Virgelle and south about five miles on top of the river breaks. We lived there for about three years and then moved back to the farm. So, realistically, my home town is Virgelle. My family lived there  before we lived in Fort Benton.  When I started school, we moved into a home in that beautiful, big, bustling metropolis of Fort Benton, where I was educated. I was so happy and just knew I wou
  Do you want your state "owned" again by the Republicans? Don't you remember the very bad ol' days of the obnoxious and arrogant Republican Supermajority Legislature? Well, dammit, do something about it on November 5, 2024.

One more story about the debate with that lady!

His diaper and anyone who says he can win are full of the same stuff The MAGA Maestro is crying the blues and blaming everything on his terrible performance at the Harris-Trump Debate.  First, he let her chase him down and forced him to shake her hand. That must have been humiliating! That almost made him cry right off the bat. But, it got worse!   There was that strange, metal earring on her right ear that just didn't look right. He noticed it would vibrate and a little red light would come on just before they would ask her a question. He is convinced she was wearing a 'bug" and they feed her answers to the question they were going to ask her. Then there was that smug, sarcastic look on the faces of the two moderators when it was time for a question to her. He just knew they were against him. There was no way she could know the answers to all of those questions. He thought, she's a woman,  for Pete's Sake! Also, he didn't look at Harris one time. It was his pl

Get Rid of ALL of the Troublemakers. . .

  THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH IS The Entire Herd Is Infected  With This Thing Called MAGA We all know what we must do, and we also know we must do it quickly. We won't be bothered with digging the holes, either, because they've been digging their own holes as they go. The herd must have known their time was almost up. Their whispers and hints of a new "authoritarian" day coming was really noticed by most everyone. We all knew they were fed up with our democracy. With the drumbeat of "We the People" and "We are better United than Divided" stuck in their craw and it was finally time for them to hoist their true colors: "MAGA, we stand divided from the riff raff of the country."  They will cancel Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Education Department, the things the riff raff sometimes depend on. They will deport all illegal immigrants through the assistance of our military, they will re-arrange the organizational charts in government and

Elsie's little red truck rides again. . .

Officer. . . Stop that li'l red truck!    Is the truck bed stuffed with money? "Auditors say the Office of Public Instruction may have misspent $67 Million of Federal Funding!   Missing documents, staff turnover and repeat problems plague state's education department. The state auditors told Montana Lawmakers that they've uncovered more than $67 Million in questionable spending of federal pass-through money in the state's education department, including one district that bought massage chairs for the teacher's lounge." - Daily Montanan Elsie Arntzen, Superintendent of OPI, who is termed out of the position departs at the end of the year. Her office was noted as having problems identified as flagged two years ago and are still unresolved. Out of the five adverse opinions issued by the legislative auditors from the same audit,   three were in the OPI.  "That's an enormous amount of money," said Sen. Kathy Kelker, D-Billings. The OPI staff have

We're all better now. . . yes we are!

I Think, Therefore I Draw. . .  Everybody head for cover; Watson is getting  philosophical again! And that means he has been studying knowledge, reality, and the philosophical existence of free will and the easy detection of untruths! Philosophically, I can show a calm attitude toward disappoints or difficulties. In the past few days, for example, I have stopped chewing off the corner of my drawing desk when Trump's whiney voice comes on television. That whine used to drive me up the wall!  He would complain every time someone was fact-checking him and told the viewing audience about it. He would put on that mob boss-style face and glare at the cameras. His "flying monkeys" ate it up and his billionaire donors went crazy with delight, however. But, since the last debate with Kamala Harris, I have become calm and serene. The former president no longer upsets me. Physiologically, Kamala has delivered his butt to him in a designer "poop-in-a-box" package and you an

Those poor immigrants. . . even hospital food would taste better!

The Immigrants of S pringfield, Ohio Are Eating Our Pet Dogs and Cats According to Donald Trump and his trusted reporter JD Vance, there is an ugly and  diabolical practice of immigrants  kidnapping, killing, and eating dogs and cats that belong to the local inhabitants of Springfield, Ohio. One dog that was interviewed said he has lost a sister and two nieces to a marauding band of immigrants from the south side of town. He said they found some of the bones of the departed. The former president and his current running mate, JD Vance, were notified and candidate Trump released the horrible news to the nation during his debate with Kamala Harris.  Trump said he would put the Homeland Security Department on high alert to find out which person in the Democrat Party gave the immigrants the authority to eat Springfield's pets. The former president has asked Hannibal Lecter to help in the matter.  This is a serious problem that is feared may spread to other states. Heavens-to-Betsy, you

Mighty DT Was Voted Out

The outlook wasn't very good  For the red-hat crowd that day, The pollsters gave him little chance, And the "TVs said, No way!" The sneer is gone from DT's lip, His teeth are clenched in hate; He pounds with cruel violence Upon his luncheon plate. Oh, somewhere in this favored land The sun is shining bright. The band is playing somewhere, And somewhere hearts are light And somewhere men are laughing, And somewhere children shout. But there is no joy in Mar-A-Lago, Mighty DT was voted out!

He Gave the 'Peter Principle" a Clearer Definition

  A Self-Professed Stable Genius Is he aware that even a stable genius would never, ever make such a pompous statement to the public? He is a "pompous ass," said one reporter, and that is exactly what a "pompous ass" told the people. We are living in very strange times and it would not be unusual for strange times to spawn strange creatures. T he strangest of them would, undoubtedly, float to the surface at some point. It's what I would say is the perfect example of the "Peter Principle" which states "people in a hierarchy tend to rise to a "level of respective incompetence." Employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another." He thought he was a great developer of real estate, so he thought he must be a great seller of real estate. He thought he must also be a great businessman - which we find out

It's Been A Worrisome, Winding and Weary Journey . . .

We'll Vote Him Out The Judge Will Vote Him In (jail) Maybe some day in my youngest great-grandchild's lifetime, we will finally see the former president deposited into a suitable place where he will be suitably punished. The way his entire wicked life has been stretched out as he plays the "Grand Stall" is a torturous journey into our justice system.  The grandiose plans of the former president, his bevy of attorneys, and the various judges have all had a hand in trying to tell We the People how unbiased they are. What may look like a stall to us is really a precise and deliberate handling of the Rule of Law. There has been more mumbo-jumbo legalezze thrown at us because of him to fill three or four "Watergate Trials."  We have been diligently cautioned that his upcoming trial dates will IN NO WAY be considered by the date of the upcoming election. Just today, the judge who is presiding over a case where the former president has already been found guilty and

And then there is "tomorrow". . .

  Tomorrow's Next School Yard? There are no more paper-thin notes of "thoughts and prayers" to send out. The hopes that they may have fixed the problem was a fool's errand. They were  "good intentions" that only the faithful really believed would stop the carnage. "Hugs and Prayers" were another attempt at stopping the loss of lifeless bodies of students and teachers throughout our classrooms and hallways.  What in the hell are we thinking about?  Are we just waiting for some superhuman crimefighter to fly into our school and grab the "bad guy" by the neck and deposit him in the closest prison? Do we really think it will be that easy to stop these massacres?  Yesterday, a fourteen-year-old student with an assault-type rifle killed two students and two teachers and wounded four more. That "child" did more than that. He has left an indelible mark on every student at that Georgia High School and probably every high school in Americ

It's all over when the large lady yells. . .

Who in the hell does  Ginni Thomas think she is? Ginni Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. She is also  a conservative activist of the highest order. She was in touch with White House and other officials following the tragic 2020 election, advocating for efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election ! Recently, she has immersed herself (assumedly as the mouthpiece of husband Clarence) deep  into the unethical, but financial rewarding, endeavors of cashing in on huge amounts of money and extravagant gifts from billionaire donors who are looking for favorable outcomes on court cases that matter to them. One case, in particular, is an ethics code for the Supreme Court. The justices insist they are the supreme beings of the land and they don't need no damn mere mortals telling them about ethics! Ginni whole-heartedly agrees and is making a huge stink about it! It appears that when America's Rule of Law is thinking maybe it's time to start

Now It's My Turn. . .

Arlington National Cemetery I have kept my keyboard silent during the days since one of America's former president's intrusion into Arlington National Cemetery. There must be a word more heinous than "intrusion" to describe his action, but it will do for now.  Arlington officially became a national cemetery on June 15, 1864, by order of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The original size was 200 acres, and has since grown to 639 acres as of early 2020. Before it was a cemetery, it was a part  of the Custis Plantation, which was owned by Mary Custis Lee, the wife of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The Lees abandoned the estate at the start of the Civil War in 1861, and the Union Army seized it to defend Washington, DC. Donald J. Trump, former president, trespassed on the hallowed ground in August 2024, even after he was told to not do so. When an employee tried to stop him and his entourage, she was physically pushed aside. She has refused to file a claim because she is

Old Geezer's Guide. . .

So, are you an old geezer, like this guy, or a young chick?   Here is the breakdown of today's official age groups: Generation Z  Born 1997 to 2012      current age: 12 - 27 years old   Millennials Born 1981 to 1996    current age 28 - 43 years old Generation X   Born 1965 - 1980      current age; 44 - 59 years old Boomers Born 1955 - 1964     current age: 69 years old Geezers Born before numbers    -   current age: Older than Dirt (Age Range by Generation - Beresford Research)

'Are You Crazy?,' asked the crowd

Is there actual proof that the former president is battling a brain disorder that is causing a decline in cognitive functions?  Published March 30, 2024 at 9:12 am EDT, by Aleks Phillips, U.S. News reporter. "Donald Trump is suffering  from dementia, a leading psychiatrist has claimed, amid speculation about the state of the former president's mental health." Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and retired Harvard Medical School professor, was among those recently quoted by Duty To Warn , which describes itself as an association of mental health professionals concerned about Trump. "Unlike normal aging, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality," Dodes wrote in a statement published on Friday, which referenced Trump confusion Barack Obama with Joe Biden.' "If he were to become president, he would have to be

The REAL Threat Zone of the NFL. . .

The Green Bay Packers vs The Philadelphia Eagles FIRST OF ALL, WHY IN THE HELL IS THE NFL PLAYING A GAME IN SAO PAULO, BRAZIL?  other than I'm assuming it is for BIG MONEY REASONS! (WHAT ELSE) It sure isn't for the NFL viewing fans! Where next?  Ukraine battlefield? Moscow? How about the Gaza Strip? I just got off the internet looking for how to watch the game. I got a message telling me to back out of my inquiry because I am in a dangerous security zone. Also, there is now talk of  moving the game!  

\It's Been A Slow News Day. . .

                                             Like Two Slices of a Pizza Pie                               Donald J. Trump and Benito Mussolini I always try to look busy, in case my wife has found something for me to do. A few days ago, I thought about comparing our illustrious past president with one of the really bad guys who tried to rule the world and eventually fell flat on his face. I dove into the internet and dialed up Benito Mussolini's photo and signature. Then I naturally thought of our own would-be dictator and dialed up photo and signature of him.  Dude! Look at those signatures. . .  The similarities are astounding! Benito Mussolini was originally appointed Prime Minister in 1925 and soon dismantled Italy's democratic institution and assumed his role as dictator, adopting  the title "Il Duce," (The Leader). His smug look under that crazy headgear he was sporting, the clinched jaw, the eyes closed so he would have no reason to look down at the Italian peas