Now It's My Turn. . .

Arlington National Cemetery

I have kept my keyboard silent during the days since one of America's former president's intrusion into Arlington National Cemetery. There must be a word more heinous than "intrusion" to describe his action, but it will do for now. 

Arlington officially became a national cemetery on June 15, 1864, by order of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The original size was 200 acres, and has since grown to 639 acres as of early 2020.

Before it was a cemetery, it was a part  of the Custis Plantation, which was owned by Mary Custis Lee, the wife of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The Lees abandoned the estate at the start of the Civil War in 1861, and the Union Army seized it to defend Washington, DC.

Donald J. Trump, former president, trespassed on the hallowed ground in August 2024, even after he was told to not do so. When an employee tried to stop him and his entourage, she was physically pushed aside. She has refused to file a claim because she is in fear of him. He wanted to film a campaign document for his second presidential run for the office again.

There is no mystery to his actions. He has officially been designated a "draft dodger" from Viet Nam war days, has called our military men and women who lost their lives during war time "losers" and "suckers," and he didn't consider POWs as "Heroes," saying he preferred they not get captured.

He is a man who will go down in the history books as a miserable individual who lost the election and incited an insurrection of our capitol, tried to overturn a presidential election, attempted a coup of our government, and has said he will attempt it again, if he loses. He has also promised a "bloodbath" if he loses. 

But to this proud Army soldier, SP-3 John Watson, the most incredulous act of grotesque shame he has ever done-yet- was trample on the hallowed cemetery of America's "bravest and best" -  Arlington National Cemetery in August 2024.

May he never be forgiven.


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