Capiche, voters?


He can't help it, he was born with a silver bone spur in his head. 

Perhaps the very best way to explain the personage of one infamous Donald J. Trump is to understand how he answered this question during an interview: What will you do as president?"  Trump responded with, "Oh, man, everything. As president, you can do anything you want!"

We are all well-aware of what he thought it meant to be the leader of our nation. He either missed the word "President" or he read it, scratched it out and wrote in "King," or, maybe he didn't bother to read it at all. The moment he heard the words during his "swearing in," his mind was already rewriting the oath of office.

When you hand over the front door key of the candy store to a nine-year-old kid and tell him you'll be back in an hour, you kind of expect some shortage might occur in the inventory. But, when you give the key of the Oval Office to someone who has worked hard to deserve it, you would expect them to cherish the opportunity. 

Well, in 2017, we gave the key to a narcissistic, psychological liar and cheat. . .  and we damn near lost everything!

At what point do we accept the fact that we are about to hand over the key to an overweight, ravenous-eating "kid" who has an enormous appetite for things that do not legally belong to him?

It is a rhetorical question. He is no more qualified to "run our government" than he is to "run a candy store for an hour!"

Let's get serious. If you owned a successful first-class company, would you hire a wretched,  low-grade, nincompoop to manage it for you?

Of course not.  Unless you used a Republican head-hunter company to find the manager.

Capiche, voters?

Opinion by
John Watson


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