He Gave the 'Peter Principle" a Clearer Definition

 A Self-Professed Stable Genius

Is he aware that even a stable genius would never, ever make such a pompous statement to the public? He is a "pompous ass," said one reporter, and that is exactly what a "pompous ass" told the people.

We are living in very strange times and it would not be unusual for strange times to spawn strange creatures. The strangest of them would, undoubtedly, float to the surface at some point. It's what I would say is the perfect example of the "Peter Principle" which states "people in a hierarchy tend to rise to a "level of respective incompetence." Employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another."

He thought he was a great developer of real estate, so he thought he must be a great seller of real estate. He thought he must also be a great businessman - which we find out he wasn't. He thought he was a great salesman and wrote a book about "The art of the deal", and again, he wasn't. He thought he could put deals together, but he was kind of a loser at that, too. He thought, since he was so successful at all of these things, he would be great at producing a television "reality" show. It lasted for awhile, and then fizzled.  That took him to a the strangest idea of all. He thought he was qualified to run for President of the United States - because of how great he was at everything else he has done!  He ran and won, but he was twice impeached and, thinking that all went well, he is running again! He has been convicted on 34 felon charges, sexual assault charge, theft of highly secret government documents, and many others.

Does this sound like he's "stable?" Does it sound like  he's a "genius?" 

Or, does it just sound like a "con man" who's daddy gave him millions to play with. . . and he wasn't good at ANYTHING except being a "con man!"


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