Dufus and Dumbo Ride Again. . .

The Dufus Guys of MAGAville, DJ Trump and JD Vance are in the process of destroying a beautiful town in Ohio. Springfield town folks are up in arms and find they must keep their pets indoors because the Dynamic Duo of Dimwits, have announced to the world that the Haitian immigrants are eating their dogs and cats.

The mayor has asked for assistance from the state to station state police at the Springfield schools in response to a rash of bomb threats - the vast majority which came from overseas - after Trump and Vance falsely said legal Haitian immigrants in the small city were eating dogs and cats. Schools, government buildings and elected officials homes were among the targets of more than thirty hoax threats. Two schools were evacuated.  Springfield has had to cancel a big celebration that was planned.

All of this because of these two yahoos who want to be president and vice-president of our nation. They will lie their butts off to get what they want -  no matter who they hurt and what they destroy. 

This is who the MAGA/Republican Cult thinks we should elect on November 5, 2024! This is who the greatest democracy in the world is supposed to hand over the keys to: our government, our justice department, our legislature, our rule of law, our military, and our future?

These two nitwits aren't capable of governing a Saturday night Bingo game!



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