
The Blogger Has Blogged His Last Blog
Until November 6, 2024

Trump and Vance seem to find something - or somebody - to rip apart with conspiracy theories, bald-faced lies, or derogatory words that are designed to further their political goals. 

When these two traitorous imbeciles get their political congressional members behind them, they are hard to reason with. When they get their base of "flying monkeys" and "thugs" working the streets for them, they are unstoppable. 

Words from the minds of those who speak the truth have no chance, because a "win at the ballot box" is more  precious to them than a mountain of falsehoods. . . no matter how they got them. 

They have transformed the minds of voters who, in ordinary times, wouldn't have given these two nit wits the time of day. But, that has all changed now. Their supporters either do not care about the truth or do not care about losing our democracy. What's harder to explain is why they think they will be suddenly immune to the horrendous life under a dictator we all will endure - including them! 

Obviously, the "giggle guys" haven't shown them the "fine print" of "The Art of the Deal!"

But, they'll learn.  My God, how they'll learn!

My blogs are only me peeing into the wind now. I'm sure the "thuggish flying monkeys" are not reading them, and those who do are getting bored with the receptiveness they offer .

Let's all meet here on Nov. 6th and see what we have to work with. 

Here's to a better - and happier - future!

If there were to be a sudden blast of breaking news that will give us a happy reprieve, I'll be right here to "break in" and shoot off my keyboard about it.  Until then, calm down, get that which you cannot control off you mind, and have peaceful dream


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