It's all over when the large lady yells. . .

Who in the hell does 
Ginni Thomas think she is?

Ginni Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. She is also  a conservative activist of the highest order. She was in touch with White House and other officials following the tragic 2020 election, advocating for efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election!

Recently, she has immersed herself (assumedly as the mouthpiece of husband Clarence) deep  into the unethical, but financial rewarding, endeavors of cashing in on huge amounts of money and extravagant gifts from billionaire donors who are looking for favorable outcomes on court cases that matter to them.

One case, in particular, is an ethics code for the Supreme Court. The justices insist they are the supreme beings of the land and they don't need no damn mere mortals telling them about ethics! Ginni whole-heartedly agrees and is making a huge stink about it!

It appears that when America's Rule of Law is thinking maybe it's time to start looking "behind the curtain" at gigantic amounts of money and gifts showing up at the Supreme Court's loading dock, it's probably time to dust off the "supposed" code of ethics and take another look. 

Enter, upper stage right, comes the queen of everything bad about our system of laws in America. Ginny went ballistic about getting a code of ethics for the U.S. Supreme Court Justices. When you start messing with Ginni's luxury gifts and cold hard cash, you've got a tiger by the tail. It is so obvious to Americans that the wife of a Justice who has, as been widely reported, the recipient of great wealth, should be advocating against a code of ethics for her husband and cohorts! How arrogant and obnoxious can she get?

The bald-faced hypocrisy of some people in -  and connected to - our nation's business is ludicrous! As I asked readers before, How much has our government - and its people - lost in the payola Ginni, her husband, and others have cost us?

A code of ethics is the least We the People deserve!


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