We're all better now. . . yes we are!

I Think, Therefore I Draw. . . 

Everybody head for cover; Watson is getting  philosophical again! And that means he has been studying knowledge, reality, and the philosophical existence of free will and the easy detection of untruths!

Philosophically, I can show a calm attitude toward disappoints or difficulties. In the past few days, for example, I have stopped chewing off the corner of my drawing desk when Trump's whiney voice comes on television. That whine used to drive me up the wall! 

He would complain every time someone was fact-checking him and told the viewing audience about it. He would put on that mob boss-style face and glare at the cameras. His "flying monkeys" ate it up and his billionaire donors went crazy with delight, however.

But, since the last debate with Kamala Harris, I have become calm and serene. The former president no longer upsets me. Physiologically, Kamala has delivered his butt to him in a designer "poop-in-a-box" package and you and I no longer  have to listen to his whiney lies and temper tantrums.

He is not the tiniest bit on my mind anymore, thanks to Mrs. Harris. She took that bastard to the woodshed and nailed his bloated hide to the door for all to see. She turned him every which way but loose. She stuck an axe handle up his butt and called him macaroni. She verbally hit him so many times he thought he was in a revolving door.

That SOB deserved every punch she gave him. That ugly, slimy, piece of sh. . . . . 

There, now this time, I really do think I am philosophically okay.

And the corners of my new drawing desk are safe.

But that egotistical warthog better watch his step when. . . . . . 


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