Those poor immigrants. . . even hospital food would taste better!

The Immigrants of Springfield, Ohio

Are Eating Our Pet Dogs and Cats

According to Donald Trump and his trusted reporter JD Vance, there is an ugly and  diabolical practice of immigrants  kidnapping, killing, and eating dogs and cats that belong to the local inhabitants of Springfield, Ohio.

One dog that was interviewed said he has lost a sister and two nieces to a marauding band of immigrants from the south side of town. He said they found some of the bones of the departed.

The former president and his current running mate, JD Vance, were notified and candidate Trump released the horrible news to the nation during his debate with Kamala Harris. 

Trump said he would put the Homeland Security Department on high alert to find out which person in the Democrat Party gave the immigrants the authority to eat Springfield's pets. The former president has asked Hannibal Lecter to help in the matter. 

This is a serious problem that is feared may spread to other states. Heavens-to-Betsy, you just can't trust anyone anymore. If our pet cat "Snookums" or dog "Fido" isn't safe from those immigrants, who is?

The former president is "all in" on this story and he is betting his election win on it! 

As for me, I ain't gonna' believe a word of it until I hear what Hannibal thinks.

I'm betting this story is as phony as the guy who released it to the nation Tuesday night when he could see he was getting his butt kicked by his debate opponent. 

A Humorous and Sarcastic Opinion by John Watson


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