Elsie's little red truck rides again. . .

Officer. . . Stop that li'l red truck!
   Is the truck bed stuffed with money?

"Auditors say the Office of Public Instruction may have misspent $67 Million of Federal Funding!  

Missing documents, staff turnover and repeat problems plague state's education department. The state auditors told Montana Lawmakers that they've uncovered more than $67 Million in questionable spending of federal pass-through money in the state's education department, including one district that bought massage chairs for the teacher's lounge." -Daily Montanan

Elsie Arntzen, Superintendent of OPI, who is termed out of the position departs at the end of the year. Her office was noted as having problems identified as flagged two years ago and are still unresolved. Out of the five adverse opinions issued by the legislative auditors from the same audit, three were in the OPI. 

"That's an enormous amount of money," said Sen. Kathy Kelker, D-Billings.

The OPI staff have responded that many of these issues were caused by the federal government. Of course. 

Meanwhile, Elsie and her li'l red truck have been fairly silent about the whole mess.

I can't wait to hear the end of another possible tale from the vault of  OPI "Malfeasance of Money" Mystery! 

 . . . and Elsie's li'l red truck.


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