Our Justice Department MUST STOP THIS!


Our Election Workers Are Being Threatened

In a democracy, everything begins with a free and fair election. They give the American people the right to vote for those who will represent us in our government. 

However, there is a cult of treasonous and treacherous people in our nation who have chosen to not accept the way we have always handled our elections. If it does not  give them the winners every time, they begin to mete out horrendous threats. 

Election officials and workers - and their families - are now being threatened with death if they do not report the vote count in the right direction. So far, only one direction is being noted. The right-wing party is making it very clear that they intend to win - or else!

The Secretary of State in Georgia received a direct phone call from the President of the United States last election, telling him to find an exact number of votes needed to win the election in his state. That man is still receiving death threats on him and his family. Every time they use the car, they start it remotely from a safe distance away. It is part of their lives now!

There have been hundreds of other examples of election workers being threatened. Sadly, we have heard of no arrests. The same group also tried to replace state delegates with fake delegates for the electoral college who would take fake ballots to the Capitol for counting to elect a president. 

We must get these traitors arrested and convicted of their deplorable crimes. If not, we are watching our democracy go down the drain.

We must demand those who are threatening workers will go to jail! Attorneys tell us it's too hard to prove the charge. I've got news for them:  It's going to be harder to look the worker's family members in the eye when the worker has been killed!


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