It's Been A Worrisome, Winding and Weary Journey . . .

We'll Vote Him Out
The Judge Will Vote Him In (jail)

Maybe some day in my youngest great-grandchild's lifetime, we will finally see the former president deposited into a suitable place where he will be suitably punished. The way his entire wicked life has been stretched out as he plays the "Grand Stall" is a torturous journey into our justice system. 

The grandiose plans of the former president, his bevy of attorneys, and the various judges have all had a hand in trying to tell We the People how unbiased they are. What may look like a stall to us is really a precise and deliberate handling of the Rule of Law. There has been more mumbo-jumbo legalezze thrown at us because of him to fill three or four "Watergate Trials." 

We have been diligently cautioned that his upcoming trial dates will IN NO WAY be considered by the date of the upcoming election.

Just today, the judge who is presiding over a case where the former president has already been found guilty and awaiting his sentencing, said since he doesn't want the sentencing to interfere with people's voting options, he will pass sentence AFTER the election!

Excuse me, but doesn't that maneuver affective cause what may happen in voter's minds BEFORE the election? Attorneys and judges have been playing this game for months and months! 

If the former president was given the same benefits as any plain old bloke on the street, he would have been in jail a long time ago. So, to play the fake game now is a little late. Bias or non-bias  - former president or the bloke on the street, the powers-that-be can't help themselves - money and power always has the best seats in the house!

Especially in this case. He's been found guilty. The judge just needs to hand out a sentence. If he wins the election, the case  will quickly and mysteriously disappears. If he loses the election. . . well, then the judge has a decision to make.

And that brings us back to why this dude's lifetime of crime should have been handled at the time he was caught!

I'm no lawyer, but sometimes I feel like we're all doing that useless military order:  " March in place until we figure this out!"  


Opinion By
John Watson


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