And then there is "tomorrow". . .


Tomorrow's Next School Yard?

There are no more paper-thin notes of "thoughts and prayers" to send out. The hopes that they may have fixed the problem was a fool's errand. They were  "good intentions" that only the faithful really believed would stop the carnage. "Hugs and Prayers" were another attempt at stopping the loss of lifeless bodies of students and teachers throughout our classrooms and hallways. 

What in the hell are we thinking about?  Are we just waiting for some superhuman crimefighter to fly into our school and grab the "bad guy" by the neck and deposit him in the closest prison? Do we really think it will be that easy to stop these massacres? 

Yesterday, a fourteen-year-old student with an assault-type rifle killed two students and two teachers and wounded four more. That "child" did more than that. He has left an indelible mark on every student at that Georgia High School and probably every high school in America!

To suddenly be made aware that while you are studying your text book on any given day and the shout that an "an active shooter" is in your school - somewhere - and looking for you and your fellow students or teachers to shoot  must be mind-numbing. A state of panic while searching your brain for the best way to survive has to be excruciating!  

So, you survived today. You grieve your friends who didn't and you go home to countless hugs from your family. And you begin to fear the day you have to go back to school  again.

The sun comes up tomorrow and your mind wanders while you are getting dressed. When will it happen again? Will I survive the next shooter?

Meanwhile, the gun manufactures are still working hard to fill the orders coming in for the new and improved killing machines. The retail gun and ammo outlets are opening their doors for the onslaught of customers. 

And you, the student, have to go back to that school, again. And your family has to sit and  worry about the next phone call. 

Welcome to the world of know-nothings. And do-nothings. 

As I heard a Republican tell me once: "You figure out a way to stop it.  We're talking a trillion-dollar business here - every year! How do you shut that all down?"

I answered, "By deciding that saving the lives of one student and one teacher at a time. . . by ANY and ALL means possible is the only way. Now,  Mr. gun aficionado, You figure it out!"


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