Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Comes the Revolution?

I suppose there are a lot of thoughts about the term "Civil War."  As  Americans, we would immediately think of that terrible time when Americans went to war with Americans and lost so many in the process.  It boggles my mind how our nation's southern folks  decided that the desire to keep and hold slaves would be worth the killing and injuring of so many of our own.  Admittedly, there must have been other motives as well, but slavery must be accepted as the overriding reason.

The official dates of the start and the finish of our Civil War is:  April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865.  The estimated number of Americans killed is 640,000 - 700,000.

Since that time, generation after generation of Americans have pledge to never let it happen again.

And yet, today, that is exactly where we are heading.  Simply put, in the last four years we have been moving in that direction at mach speed.  Our political picture is fraught with devisiveness, brutal fighting in the streets, and out-of-control verbal assaults in our halls of congress. The president and his inner circle constantly maneuver to find themselves crosswise with this nation's constitution and rule of law.  We are a nation of two minds.  You are either in one camp or the other, and you had best load your weapon for the long fight.  You need no other credentials to belong to the "right" than a stubborn attitude that you will always be right, and as to the "left," your only credentials will show that you will always be wrong.

It has become obvious to most that our current administration has placed themselves above the law.  They  began by working their corruption in the dark of night, but lately, they have no compunction whatsoever to carry out their unconstitutional crimes with arrogance and uncaring dishonesty in the bright, clear light of day.  They can do so with immunity because they have our attorney general in their corner to help them skirt the rule of law.

The final blow may come when many voters of the Nov. 3, 2020 presidential election will be suppressed from their right to vote and other votes will be criminally manipulated.  

We are in dark, dangerous waters and we have found out that our captain and crew have declared mutiny and we are no longer in charge of our own cruise, our own adventure, or our  own destiny.  We have become victims of those who were elected and then chose to set their own corrupt agenda and destination.  

Perhaps Nov. 3rd will prove to be a most frightening day, or, perhaps, it will finally put an ending date on the above Civil War Monument.  Which will it be?

Who could have possibly envisioned that this nation would come so close to total annihilation of its democracy?  Who would have even considered the horror of the United States of America crumbling to the ground?  Who could have conceived the nightmare of our country becoming the laughing stock of the world - to be both pitied and demonized?  

Who saw us go from "perceivably, the greatest nation in the world" to "the nation that committed suicide" in full view of God and the world?

Who, indeed?

Friday, July 24, 2020

Corruption has become a way of life

Strange things are done in the Capitol sun
by the thugs who toil for gold.
And the government trails have their secret tales
that would make your blood run cold.

The White House lights have seen strange sights,
but the strangest they ever did see,
was the day at dawn on the Rose Garden lawn
when they cremated Barr, the  AG.

He knew too much and was soon out of touch
with the needs of a man called Trump.
His job was done, now his need was none,
and his ashes went soon to the dump.

The New York crimes can still shake the times
when evil ruled -wicked and bold.
And always the tales of those men sent to  jails,
that would make your blood run cold.

by John Watson
with apologies to Robert Service's poem
"the cremation of Sam McGee

It can never be overstated how corrupt the workings of our President and members of his Administration really are.

And, it is impossible to keep a running account of all of the horrendous charges that have been brought against this president.  Many will never be resolved before he is voted out of office Nov. 3, 2020, but they will surely be brought against him when he is a private citizen once again.

Trump's hammer has been his Attorney General, William Barr.  When someone is getting too close for comfort, and the president needs them moved out of the way, Barr finds a way to lower the boom and sends them packing.

We found nearly four years ago that it is not important to do what will be good for America, but rather what will be good  for Trump.

The endless tales and the blood-curdling wails
of the men who once gave him praise.
All gone from our sight to forever walk the night,
never to show us their ways!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Silence is Deafening

America is better than this.  We are witness to the President of the United States losing his grip on reality and no one in our government is doing anything about it.  Is the greatest of all nations unable to handle this situation?

President Donald Trump was given a cognitive evaluation at Walter Reed Hospital recently and, according to an interview he gave, he "aced" it.  He explained that many doctors who were present said "amazing, they had never seen anything like it."  He gave an example of the test:  "they read a few items to me and fifteen minutes later they ask me to recite them in the same order...and I did it perfectly."

Folks, this is not an IQ test as the president falsely believes.  It was a test many of us have taken to determine if early signs of dementia are present. 

But to go on national television and brag that you are really that "stable genius" that you have proclaimed you are for the past four years is simply proving something far worse than dementia is ailing you.

You can watch our president on television with the sound muted and still know there is something a little haywire with his wiring in the attic.  Turn on the sound, and it will become abundantly clear that he has crossed over to that place far away and upside down.  His grandiose superlatives and constant repetitions of them in one sentence is a good clue to watch for mental short-circuiting.  

However, while these problems are easily recognizable by we mere psychological amateurs, a more indepth examination is certainly deemed necessary.  A few months ago, 350 psychologists signed a letter to congress pleading for something to be done.  It, of course, was met with deafening silence from the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate.  There is no other way to understand it than to think they would rather leave a flawed ruler in charge than admit they have a ruler who is flawed.

Maybe someday we will have a majority of our elected lawmakers who will be capable of putting our country's needs ahead of their own.

Maybe someday.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Lies of a Trump-Educated Liar

Soon-to-be ex-U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT)
Why did we expect anything different from Sen. Steve Daines?  We knew he'd come out blazing with a barrage of lies about his U.S. Senate opponent Gov. Steve Bullock.  After all, Daines is the protege of his hero, the Liar-in-Chief.  He is also very good at telling whoppers about himself, as well.

Lie number one:
Gov. Bullock supports a government-controlled health care.
What he does support is public-option health insurer, NOT government-controlled or even health care.

Lie number two:
Daines has ads that also suggest a Bullock victory would give Democrats control of the U.S. Senate, which would mean passage of a "Medicare for All" system, which is definitely opposed by Bullock,  Joe Biden, other Democrats, and most all Republicans.

Lie number three through ad nauseam: When you watch the ads on television from Daines, read them carefully and listen to the spoken words.  They are laced with one lie after another.  Even tales about his own exploits are pure fabrications.  He also promises he will bring the jobs we lost to foreign countries back home.  Don't forget that it was he and his own Party who were the ones responsible for sending them overseas to begin with!  You wouldn't find a Democrat anywhere who wanted them to leave.

His continuous running of an ad that says how tough he is going to be on China is a also a farce.  He knows what Montanans and Americans want to hear and he turns on the lying bubble machine and cranks 'em out.

Montana needs a new U.S. Senator in Washington and Gov. Steve Bullock is that man.  He is fair-minded, knows how to work with both sides of the aisle, and most of all - he will work WITH MONTANA...which will be a very unique opportunity, considering that Daines has failed to do so at every level!

Montana's Choice For
NOV. 3, 2020 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

As Prophesied...

As prophesied, the fool hath cometh.

I'm sure it was not easy for H. L. Mencken of the Baltimore Evening Sun to refer to a future United States President as a "downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."  He called it the way he surmised it could happen.

The corruption of the man we have in the Oval Office at the present time is of little consequence if we allow his followers to cover his faults with political manure. Mencken meant his words to be a warning for us.  The first warning, of course, was not to let such a person occupy the office in the first place.  However, now that we find ourselves already in deep do0-doo, what do we do next?  

Mencken clearly pointed out that "as democracy is perfected, the office of the presidency represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.  On some great and glorious day, the great folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."   July 26, 1920

How well we understand his warning about what not to let happen!

What to do about it once it happens is another matter, and Mr. Mencken - as far as I know - had no ready answers.  We are, therefore, left to stew in our own juices.  Maybe we can survive until Nov. 3, 2020 and pay closer attention to whom we give our votes.

Or, as Mary Trump, the president's niece, said last week as she was being interviewed for the record-setting sale of  her book about Donald J. Trump, "Too Much and Never Enough - How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man"...

"Donald, just resign."

That would, of course, be the easiest way.

This, however, will be the sure way...

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Party of the Spineless Elephants

The Political Party that once had it all
There are some who believe we have already reached the tipping point for that one final cataclysm tragedy by the Republican Party that will send us into the zone of no return.  Could it be their demand that we re-elect this deeply flawed human being for a second term?

The Republican Party has been AWOL from American Politics for the better part of the last four years.  Some in the Party would say that is just dandy with them, but I wonder if they have looked at the bigger picture?  Do they understand what their acquiescence of authority to Trump and the "Trumpsters" has done to the country - and ultimately to their own brand?

The Grand Old Party has become greatly tarnished and awash in harsh criticism.  They worked hard to win majority rule in the U.S. Senate, but now cower in fear of the man in the Oval Office.  His threats, should they oppose him, can unseat their run for re-election by simply finding an "always Trumpster" opponent in the senators next primary election. 

The U.S. House found factual and compelling evidence that led to the President's impeachment, but the GOP Senators - minus one - could not bring themselves to remove him from office...and the nation has neither forgotten, nor forgiven, them for it.  

The President's corrupt dealings in how stimulus funds were handed over to unqualified, undeserving companies took place without a peep from Republican Senators.

The criminal assault on America's "rule of law" by the President and his Attorney General takes place on a routine basis with nary a second glance by the cowardly GOP Senators.

Republicans of America:  You are watching your political party going down to the bottom with this corrupt captain of the ship and you - outwardly -  seem to be just fine with that.  You once had it all.  You had the votes, the power, and the future.

But now, you are left holding an empty bag that once held your credentials and your integrity.  

You gave it up for a charlatan who promised you the moon and stars...and gave you a bucket full of good ol' dirt, instead.

Has it been worth it?


Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Great American Cult

A fossil of a prehistoric Republican Elephant
Pre-Trumpsters Cult Era 

In my opinion, America now has but two main political parties: The Democrats and the Trumpsters Cult.  (The elephants went extinct after getting caught in the tar pits of the Trumpsters swamp.)

The Trumpsters are best known as America's Political Cult.  Their exploits are becoming legendary.

CultA small group of people who lack a distinctive authority structure, often possessing a charismatic leader or group of leaders, who derive their inspiration and ideology outside of and counter to the predominate social culture.

The Cult of Trumpsters came into existence around 2015 and is flourishing well into 2020.  It coalesced around the inspirational and charismatic leader, Donald J. Trump. When, from the rally stage, he would scream "hate," they would hate.  When he yelled "fake news," they would turn and pummel the attending press corp.  And when he said, "march," they grabbed their assault weapons, MAGA hats, and Confederate and Nazi Flags and marched!

And as suddenly as the Trumpsters Cult appeared, the Republicans vanished.

The Republicans left with nary a whimper, cry, or  moan.  They retreated to their homes and offices in early 2016 and barely left a trace of their former selves.  A few of them remain vocal in the hallowed halls of the U.S. Senate and House, but mostly they are content to let the Trumpsters Cult take charge.  And take charge they did!

We have witnessed the full-throttle coup d'etat of Americans Grand Old Party.  Surprisingly, they seem to be in a state of numbness at what they have acquiesced to the Trumpsters Cult.  They are watching not only the death rattle of their once-proud party, but the near-death rattle of their nation.

While the country still has many GOP followers, they appear as the proverbial "deer-in-the-headlights" as they watch the inevitable taking place.  Are they stunned or are they simply hoping the nightmare will end in November?

The Trumpsters are not going anywhere soon.  Some noted observers even hint that even if the head Trumpster is defeated in November, he will refuse to exit upper stage right.  Will our military need to march into the Oval Office and escort him to the front gate?  Will we need to prosecute a Civil War against the Trumpsters Cult?

Will The Young and the Rustlers preempt As the Stomach Turns?

Stay tuned.



Thursday, July 16, 2020

Kaptain Klutz to backstage make-up...

Let's file off the rough corners of politics and put a finely-honed edge of humor on it.

Cartooning has been in my blood since I was a kid.  I added political and sports cartoons to my career in newspapers for more than thirty years.  After retirement, I syndicated my political cartoons to a fair number of weeklies and dailies for more than ten years.  But, a few health problems in recent years interfered with a steady hand and I had to close down the "funny business" drawing desk.

In case you haven't noticed, we have a very "funny" president.  Sometimes he is a cartoon character like no other and it brings me to call him "Kaptain Klutz."  A klutz is a clumsy, awkward, and foolish person who seems to always find a way to bump into trouble.  They don't usually intend it to be that way, but it just seems to happen.

Take, for example, how he drinks from a bottle of water.  He gently holds it by the fingertips of both hands.  It looked a lot like how my kids drank when they were about two years old.  He brought it to his protruding and pursed lips for a tiny, delicate sip.  It was a thing of joy, like watching a baby taking her first dinky-poo of liquid from a Tommy-Tipper cup.

Another noted scene of Kaptain Klutz was watching him navigate a ramp off the stage after a rally.  A vision of Tim Conway portraying the old man on the Carol Burnett show immediately came to mind.  You wondered if he would ever make it.  The general who was escorting him down that ramp looked as though he was fearful he may have to catch a 240+ pound man.  But the Kapain made the last four feet of that ramp with a stuttered run. 

Words and actions by Kaptain Klutz have been strictly a spectator sport for nearly four years now.  He never fails to entertain, amaze, and conjuring up visions of the old Keystone Kops movies.   The Kaptain can maneuver his face into  a broad grin that resembles a foolish bumpkin or a look of false seriousness like a brooding child.

But, Kaptain Klutz can also be tough and stern.  He can dispatch questions he chooses not to answer from news reporters with  a deadpan expression that could melt steel.

Our Kaptain always appears to be a work in progress, never quite there, but always on the brink...of something.

It's sad...he may be getting so close, and yet, he only has about 100+ days to pull it all together for his big exit upper stage right.

Break a leg, Kaptain.





Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Get Rid of the Rotten Apples...

Betsy DeVos, United States Secretary of Education, has never been a teacher, has probably never stepped foot in a public school classroom, and has no college degree to ever do so.  She has raised her children in private schools.  She and her husband have tw0 giant yachts, a private jet plane, and a helicopter.  She has donated millions to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.  

Are these qualifications for a Secretary of Education?

The past few days, DeVos has been telling us how important it is to get all of our public schools open.  She says it is imperative our children begin classes this Fall.  She and the president have made it clear that they feel our children are already suffering, mentally and physically, by not being in school...and some will die if they are to continue being kept from their classrooms.  

She has not been forthcoming with her expert wisdom regarding the opening of private and charter schools.  Of course, those decisions are beyond the concern of mere public school folks.

DeVos has been a round peg in a square hole of education since she bought the job.  Her love for education seldom ventures beyond the borders of private schooling.  

Montana's Superintendent of Public Instruction has a DeVos clone in Elsie Arntzen.  She is of the same mind set and isn't shy about expressing it.  Arntzen is eager to move as much  public school funding over to private and charter schools as possible.  

Our jobs as parents and taxpayers are to keep a close eye on this right-wing meddling of our public school systems.  Once the erosion of funding and confidence in our school systems begins, it will be hard to stop.

On the federal level, with a new administration in place, we will see the exit of DeVos.

Melissa Romano
But here in Montana, it is imperative that we replace Arntzen with Melissa Romano this November.  Romano represents a fresh new look and interest in our public schools.  Arntzen's negative approach is doing harm and must be stopped.

Our Montana Public Schools are too important to leave to politics.  If a truly bad dream were to happen and Gianforte and Arntzen were to hold the reins on public education, we would be in for very rough times.   It is well known that Gianforte is of the same mind as Arntzen.

Let's not let that happen.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

America's "Perfect Storm"

A Perfect Storm
A critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors.

An event in which a rare combination of circumstances drastically aggravates 
the event.

The event begins

The storm clouds of America's frightening political future began gathering in the summer of 2016.  A man named Donald J. Trump, with no elected political experience, was running for the office of President of the United States on the Republican ticket against Hillary R. Clinton on the Democratic ticket,  former Secretary of State, New York Senator, and First Lady to President Bill Clinton.

Outside of New York State, few  Americans know much about Trump.  He is a boisterous, unpolished individual who was considered by many a "one trick pony," and that one trick was being the greatest businessman in the world.  Never mind the number of times he went bankrupt, was sued by hundreds for not paying his workers and other debtors.  His inability to tell the truth was paramount in his resume.

The Perfect Storm begins to take form

Trump is elected to theutter amazement of all - including himself and his family. His brashness and lack of intellect immediately come into view. His  inability - or unwillingness - to learn the job became evident early on.

He has a complete lack of understanding of the job, which immediately becomes clear in his choices of people around him.  If they did not show him complete loyalty and obedience,  they were quickly removed - and there have been dozens escorted out of the building.  The manner in which he treated people became obvious as their rush to write books began filling the shelves.

America's loyal allies soon began feeling his wrath.  He was rude and often crude in his dealings with them.  His meetings with adversaries, however, was another matter.  He would side with them over his own intelligence agencies and friends abroad.

The Storm builds up steam

His first great downfall was when evidence was brought to light about inviting Russia to help him get elected.  A Special Prosecutor found sufficient facts to urge the U. S. House to begin impeachment proceedings, which were ultimately successful.  The U.S. Senate, however, adding to our Perfect Storm, turned a blind eye to the facts and refused to remove him from office.  The president's bigoted past was on full display as his "base" of supporters carried out vicious marches with his full support.  He even referred to them as "good people."

More turbulence is added to the storm

While the date of the coronavirus pandemic's entrance into America is still being argued, it became seriously evident in February 2020.  The president immediately saw this as a grave event to his re-election efforts.  He began by calling it a hoax.  From there, he insisted it would quickly disappear - in a few days or a few weeks, at most.  Then he began downplaying the crisis as our medical experts sounded the alarm bells.  America's warehouses of personal protective equipment for our health care workers was nearly empty and our doctors and nurses were screaming for the supplies. The president said Former President Obama left warehouses empty, although evidence to the contrary came to light.  

Trump is running amok, trying his best to put out the fires of his mishandling of the crisis.  When it becomes obvious to him that his re-election is slipping away, he decides he has to get the economy back together after the coronavirus had closed offices, plants, schools...nearly everything.  Hospitals were filling to capacity, ventilators to save lives were not to be found, and people were dying at an alarming rate.  But, no matter, he was bound to open up the country - regardless of more sickness and loss of life.  His White House minions are urged to take up the fight and convince us all that Trump is right and the medical experts are lying to us about the harm of opening schools.

All elements finally come together

The president's party members in congress are beginning to break away.  There are murmurs circulation about his mental state.  Even his hard core followers are becoming silent.

We are now at the vortex of our Perfect Storm.  

The president has whipped his Republican followers into a frenzy and it is nearly impossible to convince them he is wrong.  If we don't all start wearing masks and practice distancing when in public places we will lose this fight.

In a little over three years, we have witnessed a calamity of gigantic proportions sweep over our country.  We elected an inept man who refuses to admit he is incapable of doing the job and stumbles forward from one crisis to another.  We have suffered through an impeachment because a foreign adversary was invited to meddle with our election.  We suffered through numerous battles that brought racism to a boiling point.  And now we are facing a pandemic that is threatening our very way of life in America.  More than 135,000 lives have been lost, with probably many more.

All of these elements have come together during the president's first four-year term of office.  All of them can be laid at the feet of the president through his mismanagement or direct cause.

It is now up to the people to weather this storm and come out on the other side stronger, safer, and much more careful about who we place into office.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Our "Rule of Law" has been Kidnapped

The Rule of Law is not only under attack by this administration, but it has been kidnapped, bound and gagged, and left in a dark, dank corner of Attorney General William Barr's basement.

Jurisprudence implies that America created a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions. In the United States, lawmakers, attorneys, scholars, and courts all take an active role in guiding jurisprudence.  

At least, that has been the notion for more than 240 years.  

Today, under the guise of "rule of law," the president and his attorney general have implemented their own version of all things ruled legal in America.  The first act by the president was to make AG William Barr not America's AG but rather his AG. What followed - and continues to follow - is criminal. 

Specifically, anyone in the president's administration who can no longer stand the stench and decides to hoist anchor and head for shore is going to be in for rough seas.  The hounds of this administration are loosed, with the backing of "Billy" Barr, and their futures are in dire straights.  

This "Indomitable Duo" has, at latest count, decapitated five Inspector Generals, many U.S. Attorneys, and dozens of otherwise good and loyal employees of the Federal Government.  All of these were dispatched because they knew too much, saw too much, and were about to say too much that would look very bad for the president.

These ruthless actions are criminal, but we would need a just and decent Justice Department in order to do anything about it.  And that is something we are woefully lacking. 

Worse yet, these criminal acts seem to happen and then simply melt away in the days and weeks of our nation's news cycles.  The media tries to bring the evil into the sunlight, but there are so many to cover and so few moments of an American's attention span to grasp the severity of it all.

The drip, drip, drip of constant irregularities - criminal or otherwise - slowly numbs our brains to what is fact and what is fiction.  By the time we realize the trouble we're in, the culprits are on to other evils.  Of course, the fact that we are also fighting a pandemic crisis doesn't help, which also, at times, serves the administration as good cover for a new scheme they're hatching.

If we completely lose our "rule of law," it's pretty much game over for our nation.

A nation without laws is a lawless nation.  And a lawless nation is a nation ripe for the taking. 

And Donald Trump and William Barr 
are taking everything they can get away with
to further their individual causes! 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Tale of a Barnyard (Stable) Genius...

My name is Donald John Trump and I am President of the United States.

I took a cognitive test and aced it! There were several doctors in the room.  They were very surprised and said what I did no one else had ever done.  I've decided to not release the test results or when I took it, though.

I have been told the test is very hard but I thought it was easy.

I could tell which one was a horsey and which one was a giraffe.  I knew that if  an "A" went with a "1" and a "B" went with a "2", then a "C" must go with a "3."  Lots of other hard questions like that.

I've always know that I am a stable genius.  People tell me that all the time.  I don't like to brag about it too much, though.

I asked my friend Morey to take my SAT for me because the bone spur in my heel was hurting that day so I stayed home.  He didn't get as good of a score as I would have but that was okay.  I got into Wharton Business School and became a very successful real estate developer anyway.  I only had five or six bankruptcies.

One of my professors told that as students go, I was the dumbest SOB he ever had, but he was just jealous of all of my money and women.

The Pentagon told me I don't have to listen to the generals because I already know more than all of them.  I don't have to read everything from the daily briefing book, either, because I just naturally know what's important to know.

I have always been very smart.  I co-wrote a book called "The Art of the Deal."  Well, I really wrote all of it, but I decided to give my friend a chance to get some attention so I said he co-wrote it, too.  I'm nice that way.

Sixty-seven percent of American people think I am doing a lousy job at handling the coronavirus crisis, but I know they are just sick and mad.  I heard that some of them have died, too, but they probably aren't part of that 67%.

Well, I've got to go now.  I'm thinking I may head to Florida this afternoon and see if anybody's sick.  I told Dr. Fauci to take a few months off and I'll see how the virus is looking down there.  I heard the curve has really flattened out a lot.

The End.

Your friend, Donald

P.S.  No one has ever told me why I had to take that cognitive test.  Does anybody know why?

A sarcastic and smart-ass story by
John Watson 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Fool's Mission...

U. S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) is finishing his first six-year term and trying to buy another great adventure to the land of milk and money.  In short, he is on a fool's mission.

That is why it is very important for those Montanans who voted for him the first time to remember how fooled they were.

He was never going to work for us.  Heck, he didn't even come home to see what we needed.  When he did find his way back from cushy senate office, it was to gather with his cronies...but never with his constituents.  Even his Town Halls were a joke.  He had a few handpicked Montanans to talk to him on the phone while he sat in his office back east.  Some Town Hall!

His current television campaign ads talk about how tough he will be on China "this time."  He brags about his closeness to the impeached president.  He wanders through some corrals with ranchers and has a doctor friend in Belgrade talk about what a great job he is doing.

Mostly, he wants us to know how badly he wants to get our companies to move back to America from foreign lands.  He claims to be able to do that.  That's interesting since his opponents have been working on it for years.  Even more interesting, his own political party was responsible for getting those traitors to skip out on paying their workers a liveable wage and paying their fair share of taxes in America in the first place!

There is no question that Daines is in the pocket of Senate Majority Leader McConnell and President Donald Trump.  They say "jump" and he says "how high." 

Ironically, Trump and McConnell are on their last adventure also.  It is being reported that they, too, will lose their jobs - big time.

Meanwhile, back here in Montana...we have the golden opportunity to elect Former Governor Steve Bullock to replace the unqualified Sen. Daines.  Bullock has proven he holds Montanans' best interests at heart. He has done a great job helping all of us as we battle this pandemic crisis.  He will also be able to take control away from the do-nothing GOP U.S. Senators and put it in the hands of the Democrats!

Daines is on a "fool's mission" and he knows it.