The Silence is Deafening

America is better than this.  We are witness to the President of the United States losing his grip on reality and no one in our government is doing anything about it.  Is the greatest of all nations unable to handle this situation?

President Donald Trump was given a cognitive evaluation at Walter Reed Hospital recently and, according to an interview he gave, he "aced" it.  He explained that many doctors who were present said "amazing, they had never seen anything like it."  He gave an example of the test:  "they read a few items to me and fifteen minutes later they ask me to recite them in the same order...and I did it perfectly."

Folks, this is not an IQ test as the president falsely believes.  It was a test many of us have taken to determine if early signs of dementia are present. 

But to go on national television and brag that you are really that "stable genius" that you have proclaimed you are for the past four years is simply proving something far worse than dementia is ailing you.

You can watch our president on television with the sound muted and still know there is something a little haywire with his wiring in the attic.  Turn on the sound, and it will become abundantly clear that he has crossed over to that place far away and upside down.  His grandiose superlatives and constant repetitions of them in one sentence is a good clue to watch for mental short-circuiting.  

However, while these problems are easily recognizable by we mere psychological amateurs, a more indepth examination is certainly deemed necessary.  A few months ago, 350 psychologists signed a letter to congress pleading for something to be done.  It, of course, was met with deafening silence from the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate.  There is no other way to understand it than to think they would rather leave a flawed ruler in charge than admit they have a ruler who is flawed.

Maybe someday we will have a majority of our elected lawmakers who will be capable of putting our country's needs ahead of their own.

Maybe someday.



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