The thicker the head, the harder the answer

An Opinion by
John Watson
God decided the color of your skin, but it's up to you to decide the content of your character.

It's unfathomable how a nation could be conceived in liberty for all, freedom to choose from much, and acceptance of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... and yet cannot accept equality under the law for all people, regardless of the color of their skin.

Why is it still a never-ending debate in this, the year of our Lord, 2o20?

What arrogance resides in the minds of bigots?  What hatred drives them to acts of such hostile words and deeds?  Doesn't a person of a different colored skin or a different religious faith still pray to the same God, smile at all life, and pledge their allegiance to the same county?

How can any white American feel so righteous and self-assured that they believe they really are the superior being?  Where and from whom did they arrive at this thought?  No creature on God's good earth was born with this concept.  No one was intentionally taught this evil concept in public schools, although there have been reports of some bigoted teachers who tried.

And yet, here they are. 

If they believe it came from the Holy Bible, they are dead wrong.  They should be reminded that there are no "white people" in that book.  They are all of dark skin.

If they believe it came from having the right to own slaves, they are also dead wrong.  They should be reminded that slave owners  evidently opposed negroes before they were slaves, otherwise they would not have made the decision to acquired them.

Today's bigots had no hand in buying, abusing, or working slaves.  Their dislike for African Americans is a harken back  to Civil War time and an endless hatred for their loss.  The primary reason for the war was because of slavery and their battles today are an extension of that loss.  

We will never be able to legislate enough bills to end racism, and we will never be able to write enough laws to stop it, either.  Racism is the evil that resides in the minds of any who feel their superiority is being questioned.

The only cure for racism involves curing what ails the racist mind.  

There can be a trillion marches to protest the racists.  There can be a million catchy slogans and banners to emphasis the cruelty of racism.  And there can be thousands of brilliant speeches trying to outdo the great words of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., but until every racist sits down with someone who can get through their thick head that we are all equal, there will be never be a solution.



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