Office Seekers Who Seek Only Personal Gain

Greg Gianforte wants to be our Governor
and Steve Daines wants another six years in the U.S. Senate

We need less "money heads" in politics...not more

Do we want mega-millionaires
who have little interest
in representing Montanans' interest
and greater interest in representing themselves?

U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, candidate for Governor, and U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, running for re-election, are both Republicans and proud supporters of President Donald Trump.  

Most Montanans have a puzzling concern as to why mega-millionaires want to go back to the public trough and wander K-Street and Wall Street.  Money begets more money, and more money begets more power...and 'round and 'round goes the money machine.  

And just where do we - Montanans Taxpayers - fit into their schedule?  Good question.  The only issues that seem to perk their interest are those items that involve cutting necessities to middle and low income people, and increasing tax cuts, etc. to the more affluent people.  Anything else and they are usually no-shows at congressional voting or rubber-stamp voting when their party leaders demand it.

No one can be critical of a politician who is rich - even one who is mega-rich.  We have a right, however, to show disdain for those who become rich through questionable means.  And we can and should be wary of those who enter the arena of politics for two reasons:  More money and more power!  

Holding these prestigious positions should be for one reason - and one reason only:  To serve the people they represent.

We don't need a Governor who was ordered by a judge to take anger management therapy for body-slamming a news reporter who asked him a simply health care question.  And we don't need another six-year term Senator who refuses to come home and face his constituents.

These two men have not shown an ability or desire to serve anyone in Montana except themselves.  They are in it for the same reason their idol in the Oval Office is line their own pockets!

Don't let them serve themselves again.  Select someone who is willing and able to serve the constituents:   

Lt. Gov. Cooney for Governor
Gov. Bullock for U.S. Senate

Personal agendas from both Daines and Gianforte have tweaked their desire to take another bite of that very rich apple.  Past promises and ultimate flip-flops have made both of them earn the title of "liar" by many Montanans.  

Don't let them trample on the needs of Montana's Voters again!  We've been there - and we have seen that!

Buy a political office once, shame on you
try to buy a political office twice, shame on us.



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