The Lies of a Trump-Educated Liar

Soon-to-be ex-U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT)
Why did we expect anything different from Sen. Steve Daines?  We knew he'd come out blazing with a barrage of lies about his U.S. Senate opponent Gov. Steve Bullock.  After all, Daines is the protege of his hero, the Liar-in-Chief.  He is also very good at telling whoppers about himself, as well.

Lie number one:
Gov. Bullock supports a government-controlled health care.
What he does support is public-option health insurer, NOT government-controlled or even health care.

Lie number two:
Daines has ads that also suggest a Bullock victory would give Democrats control of the U.S. Senate, which would mean passage of a "Medicare for All" system, which is definitely opposed by Bullock,  Joe Biden, other Democrats, and most all Republicans.

Lie number three through ad nauseam: When you watch the ads on television from Daines, read them carefully and listen to the spoken words.  They are laced with one lie after another.  Even tales about his own exploits are pure fabrications.  He also promises he will bring the jobs we lost to foreign countries back home.  Don't forget that it was he and his own Party who were the ones responsible for sending them overseas to begin with!  You wouldn't find a Democrat anywhere who wanted them to leave.

His continuous running of an ad that says how tough he is going to be on China is a also a farce.  He knows what Montanans and Americans want to hear and he turns on the lying bubble machine and cranks 'em out.

Montana needs a new U.S. Senator in Washington and Gov. Steve Bullock is that man.  He is fair-minded, knows how to work with both sides of the aisle, and most of all - he will work WITH MONTANA...which will be a very unique opportunity, considering that Daines has failed to do so at every level!

Montana's Choice For
NOV. 3, 2020 


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