Comes the Revolution?

I suppose there are a lot of thoughts about the term "Civil War."  As  Americans, we would immediately think of that terrible time when Americans went to war with Americans and lost so many in the process.  It boggles my mind how our nation's southern folks  decided that the desire to keep and hold slaves would be worth the killing and injuring of so many of our own.  Admittedly, there must have been other motives as well, but slavery must be accepted as the overriding reason.

The official dates of the start and the finish of our Civil War is:  April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865.  The estimated number of Americans killed is 640,000 - 700,000.

Since that time, generation after generation of Americans have pledge to never let it happen again.

And yet, today, that is exactly where we are heading.  Simply put, in the last four years we have been moving in that direction at mach speed.  Our political picture is fraught with devisiveness, brutal fighting in the streets, and out-of-control verbal assaults in our halls of congress. The president and his inner circle constantly maneuver to find themselves crosswise with this nation's constitution and rule of law.  We are a nation of two minds.  You are either in one camp or the other, and you had best load your weapon for the long fight.  You need no other credentials to belong to the "right" than a stubborn attitude that you will always be right, and as to the "left," your only credentials will show that you will always be wrong.

It has become obvious to most that our current administration has placed themselves above the law.  They  began by working their corruption in the dark of night, but lately, they have no compunction whatsoever to carry out their unconstitutional crimes with arrogance and uncaring dishonesty in the bright, clear light of day.  They can do so with immunity because they have our attorney general in their corner to help them skirt the rule of law.

The final blow may come when many voters of the Nov. 3, 2020 presidential election will be suppressed from their right to vote and other votes will be criminally manipulated.  

We are in dark, dangerous waters and we have found out that our captain and crew have declared mutiny and we are no longer in charge of our own cruise, our own adventure, or our  own destiny.  We have become victims of those who were elected and then chose to set their own corrupt agenda and destination.  

Perhaps Nov. 3rd will prove to be a most frightening day, or, perhaps, it will finally put an ending date on the above Civil War Monument.  Which will it be?

Who could have possibly envisioned that this nation would come so close to total annihilation of its democracy?  Who would have even considered the horror of the United States of America crumbling to the ground?  Who could have conceived the nightmare of our country becoming the laughing stock of the world - to be both pitied and demonized?  

Who saw us go from "perceivably, the greatest nation in the world" to "the nation that committed suicide" in full view of God and the world?

Who, indeed?


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