Searching for Mr. Antichrist...

An Opinion by
John Watson
According to Christian tradition, the Antichrist will reign terribly in the period just prior to the Last Judgment.  He will fill the world with wickedness, but will be conquered forever by Christ at his second coming.

Far be it for me to expose any living person as the Antichrist, for only when he, himself, claims that title would I identify him.

However, there is a nemesis to all living among us today that I might consider a close candidate for the job.  He is an immoral human being, a stupendous fabricator of truth, an egomaniac, a selfish and self-centered narcissist, and a bigoted racist.  He manipulates the whims of such anti-American groups such as White Supremacists, White Nationalists, and our nation's most egregious foreign adversarial leaders.

He spends little to no time celebrating the values of our nation's history.  The greatness of our country seems of little importance to him unless he can bend that greatness to show that it is his greatness, as well.  It is documented that he reads little and therefore knows little about our country's rich heritage.  Worse, he refuses to learn such thing from others.

His history is replete with with failed business ventures, corrupt business practices, failed marriages, and sorted relationships outside of his multiple marriages. 

There are further clues to consider who might be the antichrist.  It is told he has admitted to having immoral desires for his own daughter.  Does he continuously paint his face to hide his shame?  Does he lavish more benefits on the rich to the exclusion of the others?  Does he hide personal records that others before him have exposed.

      Standing on the White House front lawn on Oct. 4, 2019,
      he proudly stated, "I am the beast from the abyss, the
      man of sin, the son of perdition, but I am not a witch,  and
      the Democrats' impeachment is a witch hunt."

I would certainly not try to add anything to that quote. 

Mankind has been searching for the antichrist for centuries.  There are clues to consider and some have actually pointed fingers and named names.  But, alas, no one has yet confessed.

It is a dangerous game.  The antichrist is evil personified and will make the ground shake and mankind shriek in terror.  And he will order his henchmen and minions to do his bidding.  They will rally around him when evil is being threatened by the peacemakers.

I just don't know...who could it be?  From where will he come?  And when will he come?  Or, is he already here?

I feel the ground shaking a little.  And I'm kinda' feeling a shriek welling up in my throat.

No, it couldn't be...


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