The Great American Cult

A fossil of a prehistoric Republican Elephant
Pre-Trumpsters Cult Era 

In my opinion, America now has but two main political parties: The Democrats and the Trumpsters Cult.  (The elephants went extinct after getting caught in the tar pits of the Trumpsters swamp.)

The Trumpsters are best known as America's Political Cult.  Their exploits are becoming legendary.

CultA small group of people who lack a distinctive authority structure, often possessing a charismatic leader or group of leaders, who derive their inspiration and ideology outside of and counter to the predominate social culture.

The Cult of Trumpsters came into existence around 2015 and is flourishing well into 2020.  It coalesced around the inspirational and charismatic leader, Donald J. Trump. When, from the rally stage, he would scream "hate," they would hate.  When he yelled "fake news," they would turn and pummel the attending press corp.  And when he said, "march," they grabbed their assault weapons, MAGA hats, and Confederate and Nazi Flags and marched!

And as suddenly as the Trumpsters Cult appeared, the Republicans vanished.

The Republicans left with nary a whimper, cry, or  moan.  They retreated to their homes and offices in early 2016 and barely left a trace of their former selves.  A few of them remain vocal in the hallowed halls of the U.S. Senate and House, but mostly they are content to let the Trumpsters Cult take charge.  And take charge they did!

We have witnessed the full-throttle coup d'etat of Americans Grand Old Party.  Surprisingly, they seem to be in a state of numbness at what they have acquiesced to the Trumpsters Cult.  They are watching not only the death rattle of their once-proud party, but the near-death rattle of their nation.

While the country still has many GOP followers, they appear as the proverbial "deer-in-the-headlights" as they watch the inevitable taking place.  Are they stunned or are they simply hoping the nightmare will end in November?

The Trumpsters are not going anywhere soon.  Some noted observers even hint that even if the head Trumpster is defeated in November, he will refuse to exit upper stage right.  Will our military need to march into the Oval Office and escort him to the front gate?  Will we need to prosecute a Civil War against the Trumpsters Cult?

Will The Young and the Rustlers preempt As the Stomach Turns?

Stay tuned.




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