Corruption has become a way of life

Strange things are done in the Capitol sun
by the thugs who toil for gold.
And the government trails have their secret tales
that would make your blood run cold.

The White House lights have seen strange sights,
but the strangest they ever did see,
was the day at dawn on the Rose Garden lawn
when they cremated Barr, the  AG.

He knew too much and was soon out of touch
with the needs of a man called Trump.
His job was done, now his need was none,
and his ashes went soon to the dump.

The New York crimes can still shake the times
when evil ruled -wicked and bold.
And always the tales of those men sent to  jails,
that would make your blood run cold.

by John Watson
with apologies to Robert Service's poem
"the cremation of Sam McGee

It can never be overstated how corrupt the workings of our President and members of his Administration really are.

And, it is impossible to keep a running account of all of the horrendous charges that have been brought against this president.  Many will never be resolved before he is voted out of office Nov. 3, 2020, but they will surely be brought against him when he is a private citizen once again.

Trump's hammer has been his Attorney General, William Barr.  When someone is getting too close for comfort, and the president needs them moved out of the way, Barr finds a way to lower the boom and sends them packing.

We found nearly four years ago that it is not important to do what will be good for America, but rather what will be good  for Trump.

The endless tales and the blood-curdling wails
of the men who once gave him praise.
All gone from our sight to forever walk the night,
never to show us their ways!


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