Thursday, July 16, 2020

Kaptain Klutz to backstage make-up...

Let's file off the rough corners of politics and put a finely-honed edge of humor on it.

Cartooning has been in my blood since I was a kid.  I added political and sports cartoons to my career in newspapers for more than thirty years.  After retirement, I syndicated my political cartoons to a fair number of weeklies and dailies for more than ten years.  But, a few health problems in recent years interfered with a steady hand and I had to close down the "funny business" drawing desk.

In case you haven't noticed, we have a very "funny" president.  Sometimes he is a cartoon character like no other and it brings me to call him "Kaptain Klutz."  A klutz is a clumsy, awkward, and foolish person who seems to always find a way to bump into trouble.  They don't usually intend it to be that way, but it just seems to happen.

Take, for example, how he drinks from a bottle of water.  He gently holds it by the fingertips of both hands.  It looked a lot like how my kids drank when they were about two years old.  He brought it to his protruding and pursed lips for a tiny, delicate sip.  It was a thing of joy, like watching a baby taking her first dinky-poo of liquid from a Tommy-Tipper cup.

Another noted scene of Kaptain Klutz was watching him navigate a ramp off the stage after a rally.  A vision of Tim Conway portraying the old man on the Carol Burnett show immediately came to mind.  You wondered if he would ever make it.  The general who was escorting him down that ramp looked as though he was fearful he may have to catch a 240+ pound man.  But the Kapain made the last four feet of that ramp with a stuttered run. 

Words and actions by Kaptain Klutz have been strictly a spectator sport for nearly four years now.  He never fails to entertain, amaze, and conjuring up visions of the old Keystone Kops movies.   The Kaptain can maneuver his face into  a broad grin that resembles a foolish bumpkin or a look of false seriousness like a brooding child.

But, Kaptain Klutz can also be tough and stern.  He can dispatch questions he chooses not to answer from news reporters with  a deadpan expression that could melt steel.

Our Kaptain always appears to be a work in progress, never quite there, but always on the brink...of something.

It's sad...he may be getting so close, and yet, he only has about 100+ days to pull it all together for his big exit upper stage right.

Break a leg, Kaptain.





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