The Party of the Spineless Elephants

The Political Party that once had it all
There are some who believe we have already reached the tipping point for that one final cataclysm tragedy by the Republican Party that will send us into the zone of no return.  Could it be their demand that we re-elect this deeply flawed human being for a second term?

The Republican Party has been AWOL from American Politics for the better part of the last four years.  Some in the Party would say that is just dandy with them, but I wonder if they have looked at the bigger picture?  Do they understand what their acquiescence of authority to Trump and the "Trumpsters" has done to the country - and ultimately to their own brand?

The Grand Old Party has become greatly tarnished and awash in harsh criticism.  They worked hard to win majority rule in the U.S. Senate, but now cower in fear of the man in the Oval Office.  His threats, should they oppose him, can unseat their run for re-election by simply finding an "always Trumpster" opponent in the senators next primary election. 

The U.S. House found factual and compelling evidence that led to the President's impeachment, but the GOP Senators - minus one - could not bring themselves to remove him from office...and the nation has neither forgotten, nor forgiven, them for it.  

The President's corrupt dealings in how stimulus funds were handed over to unqualified, undeserving companies took place without a peep from Republican Senators.

The criminal assault on America's "rule of law" by the President and his Attorney General takes place on a routine basis with nary a second glance by the cowardly GOP Senators.

Republicans of America:  You are watching your political party going down to the bottom with this corrupt captain of the ship and you - outwardly -  seem to be just fine with that.  You once had it all.  You had the votes, the power, and the future.

But now, you are left holding an empty bag that once held your credentials and your integrity.  

You gave it up for a charlatan who promised you the moon and stars...and gave you a bucket full of good ol' dirt, instead.

Has it been worth it?



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