Our "Rule of Law" has been Kidnapped

The Rule of Law is not only under attack by this administration, but it has been kidnapped, bound and gagged, and left in a dark, dank corner of Attorney General William Barr's basement.

Jurisprudence implies that America created a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions. In the United States, lawmakers, attorneys, scholars, and courts all take an active role in guiding jurisprudence.  

At least, that has been the notion for more than 240 years.  

Today, under the guise of "rule of law," the president and his attorney general have implemented their own version of all things ruled legal in America.  The first act by the president was to make AG William Barr not America's AG but rather his AG. What followed - and continues to follow - is criminal. 

Specifically, anyone in the president's administration who can no longer stand the stench and decides to hoist anchor and head for shore is going to be in for rough seas.  The hounds of this administration are loosed, with the backing of "Billy" Barr, and their futures are in dire straights.  

This "Indomitable Duo" has, at latest count, decapitated five Inspector Generals, many U.S. Attorneys, and dozens of otherwise good and loyal employees of the Federal Government.  All of these were dispatched because they knew too much, saw too much, and were about to say too much that would look very bad for the president.

These ruthless actions are criminal, but we would need a just and decent Justice Department in order to do anything about it.  And that is something we are woefully lacking. 

Worse yet, these criminal acts seem to happen and then simply melt away in the days and weeks of our nation's news cycles.  The media tries to bring the evil into the sunlight, but there are so many to cover and so few moments of an American's attention span to grasp the severity of it all.

The drip, drip, drip of constant irregularities - criminal or otherwise - slowly numbs our brains to what is fact and what is fiction.  By the time we realize the trouble we're in, the culprits are on to other evils.  Of course, the fact that we are also fighting a pandemic crisis doesn't help, which also, at times, serves the administration as good cover for a new scheme they're hatching.

If we completely lose our "rule of law," it's pretty much game over for our nation.

A nation without laws is a lawless nation.  And a lawless nation is a nation ripe for the taking. 

And Donald Trump and William Barr 
are taking everything they can get away with
to further their individual causes! 


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