The friend of my enemy is now my enemy, too

Let's look at all of the facts, as we now understand them, regarding Russia's bounties paid to the Taliban to target and kill our brave American Military Personnel in Afghanistan:

   On February 27, 2020,  the President's daily briefings  report included the item that Russia was offering to pay bounties to Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan for the killing of American Soldiers. Also included was a "menu" of responses for how the President might wish to respond.  Today, four months later, the people of America are hearing about this horrible and insane story from various media publications and broadcasts for the first time.

   1.  If he did not bother to read the report, he can truthfully say he was not aware of the story.  Why wouldn't the president choose not to read the daily briefings he is given?  They are delivered to him six days a week.

   2. Why didn't the person(s) who delivered the briefing give him a heads-up that there was something inside that was of utmost importance and danger? 

   3.  Why has four months gone by without one word from anyone in our government?

   4.   It is being reported that several of our soldiers have, indeed, been killed under the bounty program.  Have their families been notified of these terrible details?

   5.   It is being reported that the president has had several phone calls with Russia's Putin during these four months and he referred to one of them as "friendly." 

   6.   What, exactly, is the relationship between Trump and Putin?  America has long wondered. Maybe now those  questions will be getting much more pointed.  Until Trump became President, Russia has been our foe.  Since then, not so much.  On national television, he told the world he would accept Putin's word over his own intelligence agencies.

The President must be forced to reveal what he knows, and he needs to be questioned by a full bipartisan congressional investigation.

His silence is deafening!

UPDATE:  It is now being reported that bounties being paid by Russia to Taliban terrorists for the killing of American Soldiers was known by our government as far back as early 2019.

Thus far, the White House's only official report to the American People regarding this horrific story comes from the Press Secretary:  "It is deplorable that someone would leak this story to the media and even more deplorable that media would write about it!"

In other words...
We just can't keep anything quiet
 around here, can we?

It is important for all of us to remember that this is a developing story and the actual facts may not be complete as of today.  My blog includes facts as I see them from national media reports.  



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