Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Fool's Mission...

U. S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) is finishing his first six-year term and trying to buy another great adventure to the land of milk and money.  In short, he is on a fool's mission.

That is why it is very important for those Montanans who voted for him the first time to remember how fooled they were.

He was never going to work for us.  Heck, he didn't even come home to see what we needed.  When he did find his way back from cushy senate office, it was to gather with his cronies...but never with his constituents.  Even his Town Halls were a joke.  He had a few handpicked Montanans to talk to him on the phone while he sat in his office back east.  Some Town Hall!

His current television campaign ads talk about how tough he will be on China "this time."  He brags about his closeness to the impeached president.  He wanders through some corrals with ranchers and has a doctor friend in Belgrade talk about what a great job he is doing.

Mostly, he wants us to know how badly he wants to get our companies to move back to America from foreign lands.  He claims to be able to do that.  That's interesting since his opponents have been working on it for years.  Even more interesting, his own political party was responsible for getting those traitors to skip out on paying their workers a liveable wage and paying their fair share of taxes in America in the first place!

There is no question that Daines is in the pocket of Senate Majority Leader McConnell and President Donald Trump.  They say "jump" and he says "how high." 

Ironically, Trump and McConnell are on their last adventure also.  It is being reported that they, too, will lose their jobs - big time.

Meanwhile, back here in Montana...we have the golden opportunity to elect Former Governor Steve Bullock to replace the unqualified Sen. Daines.  Bullock has proven he holds Montanans' best interests at heart. He has done a great job helping all of us as we battle this pandemic crisis.  He will also be able to take control away from the do-nothing GOP U.S. Senators and put it in the hands of the Democrats!

Daines is on a "fool's mission" and he knows it.


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