As Prophesied...

As prophesied, the fool hath cometh.

I'm sure it was not easy for H. L. Mencken of the Baltimore Evening Sun to refer to a future United States President as a "downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."  He called it the way he surmised it could happen.

The corruption of the man we have in the Oval Office at the present time is of little consequence if we allow his followers to cover his faults with political manure. Mencken meant his words to be a warning for us.  The first warning, of course, was not to let such a person occupy the office in the first place.  However, now that we find ourselves already in deep do0-doo, what do we do next?  

Mencken clearly pointed out that "as democracy is perfected, the office of the presidency represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.  On some great and glorious day, the great folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."   July 26, 1920

How well we understand his warning about what not to let happen!

What to do about it once it happens is another matter, and Mr. Mencken - as far as I know - had no ready answers.  We are, therefore, left to stew in our own juices.  Maybe we can survive until Nov. 3, 2020 and pay closer attention to whom we give our votes.

Or, as Mary Trump, the president's niece, said last week as she was being interviewed for the record-setting sale of  her book about Donald J. Trump, "Too Much and Never Enough - How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man"...

"Donald, just resign."

That would, of course, be the easiest way.

This, however, will be the sure way...


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