Tuesday, March 22, 2022

It is a Party-Wide Disgrace. . .

"Republicans Want a White Republic 
and They'll Destroy America to Get It"

Excerpts from Time, by Carol Anderson - July 17, 2019

"Then-President Donald Trump suggested, in a tweet storm, that four congresswomen of color leave America and 'go back' to the 'totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.' The social media went berserk and "some news outlets called the tweets racist."

"The Republicans, however, were stone cold quiet. Why? Because the ideological demographics of the party dictated it!"

"The GOP's membership is nearly 90% white and are staring at total carnage and extinction as it looks upon a right-based, religious, racial, and ideologically diverse America. Or, as Sen. Lindsey Graham noted as early as 2012, We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."


In the first place, the subject is sickening, and when it comes to Republicans, the color of many of our citizens is not the GOP's only problem.  What ninety-percent of their membership wants is for America's minority to give up its dream of continuing as a democracy. That means the people of color must stop standing in the way of the GOP gaining a total authoritarian rule. Compounding the problem for Republicans is the fact that by  2045 the white people of America will definitely be in the minority. That, of course, will be the death knell to the White Supremacist's way of life.

Republicans said Covid was a hoax. They said Russia would never invade anyone. The say climate change is a fake. They say vaccines don't work. They say the news is fake and media are the enemy of the people. The praise Putin. The attacked our Capitol. They ban books. They are on the wrong side of nearly every issue you can name. They are a Party that is morphing into an autocracy and they are out to destroy our nation in the process!

This battle they are waging isn't just on a national stage. They are becoming seriously dangerous in many of our states. They are revamping election rules and replacing long-time election officials with Republican loyalists to "stand by and stand ready" should a GOP candidate lose. Montana has been under their rule since the 2020 election. Their Trump-like attack on our democratic values in Montana has residents reeling and our courts are busy slapping down grossly unfair and inhumane laws that the GOP-controlled Legislature passed in the dead of night - and with the blessing of their like-minded governor who signed anything they sent to his office.

This has become an ugly Party-wide disgrace that must be put down en masse! There are too many to battle on an individual basis. We must eliminate the bulk of the Republican Party of Trump and get America back on an even keel again. America has not faced an assault like this - by treasonists like this -  since 1861! 

  Vote Blue in 2022!

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