Friday, March 18, 2022

Kneel, Montana - Austin Almighty is in the building. . .

Will the AG Every Learn That
His Powers Are Not Almighty!

"The state Supreme Court said in a Tuesday order the Montana attorney general erred in halting a ballot initiative from going out for signature-gathering.

The proposed ballot initiative aims to add new environmental protections to stretches of the Gallatin and Maddison rivers.

The court's unanimous opinion, written by Chief Justice Mike McGrath, also indicated that the attorney general lacks the authority to reject a proposed ballot initiative on the basis that it amounts to a government "taking" of private property. And, in a nonbinding concurring opinion, McGrath went further, writing that the authority to determine the constitutionality of ballot proposals rests solely with the courts - not the AG.

The court directed Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen to approve a final signature petition form to allow the environmental groups proposing the initiative to start collecting signatures to place it on the ballot."                                 -from the Helena Independent Record, 3/18/2022

The Montana Republican Party is working overtime to get loyalists on the state Supreme Court. They are getting tired of losing cases and getting their butts kicked in the process.  It has been one step forward and two steps backward for these power-hungry, autocratic, gestapo-like Montana Republicans! 

They need to learn that they don't get everything their way just because they won an election.

They need to understand we have laws for a reason.

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