"The Most Hated Man In Helena?". . .

Consider this piece of information from the Montana Free Press regarding how the Montana Attorney General is "taking care of business. . . "

"A monthly retainer fee of $10,000.00 is being paid by the Montana Department of Justice to the law office owned by Emily Jones, a Billings attorney and law school classmate of Attorney General Austin Knudsen. As MTFP (Montana Free Press) reported this week, Jones, whose husband is a prominent GOP political strategist, is taking a leading role in helping the department manage a civil case docket that includes the slate of bill challenge cases being tracked by MTFP's Laws on Trial project."   - from Montana Free Press

I encourage everyone to get connected to the Montana Free Press. They are doing a great job of keeping us informed. 

It has been reported that Montana's Attorney General is quite proud of the fact that he has been referred to as "the most hated man in Helena." We should point out one thing to him: A guy named Rudy Giuliani was also considered the most hated attorney in and around the White House. That, of course, hasn't worked out too well for him.

Craig Wright of Helena slammed AG Knudsen with a scathing Letter to the Editor this morning in the Helena Independent Record and ended it by saying, "You tout your Christian values while squandering taxpayers' money in pursuit of your own political agenda. No, you're not hated Mr. Knudsen; that would take too much energy. You're just pathetic."

As I think about the turmoil of Montana Republicans who now hold office, such as Gov. Gianforte, Sen. Daines, Rep. Rosendale, and also Candidate Zinke, an even more troubling thing seems to be happening. Because they were swept into office in 2020 on a "Red Tide," they see themselves as invincible. The are impervious to the needs of Montanans. They, like their legislative counterparts, like the idea of being the captains of their ships and with them it's full speed ahead - legal or illegal, for the good of the people or just for their own good. And, it's their-way-or-the-highway for the rest of us..

We have to watch them closely and when "we see something, we say something."  Let's not let them get away with any more shenanigans. 


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