My home town will never smell the same again. . .


Liars on the Levee

A trio of Republican politicians were invited to my home town of Fort Benton, Montana for the "First liar doesn't have a chance" Chouteau County Republican Central Committee's Lincoln-Regan Day Dinner Sunday afternoon, Feb.27, 2022. About 125 folks showed up at the Ag Center to show their support for Attorney General Austin Knudsen, U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale, and U.S. Rep. candidate Ryan Zinke.

Montana's attorney general told the crowd how our state has "a judge problem and a state supreme court problem." Someone asked if making judges and supreme court justices file for election under a political party designation would help. I interrupted and said, "no, we can always tell Republicans just by the smell."  It didn't go over to well with those in the gathering.

Rosendale said he loves to get back to Montana and sleep in his own bed whenever he can. I spoke up again and said, "I've been told you haven't slept in that bed for more than a year." That didn't get much applause, either. He said he's voted "no" 283 times on stuff the Democrats wanted to pass. He couldn't remember what they were for - probably just stuff for the American people. He didn't mention that that "stuff" was also for the Montana people.

Zinke, who is running for the new U.S. House seat from Montana, didn't have much to say.  I think he is finding out that the less he says, the better off he is. Montanans don't know where he lives, the status of the federal investigation into his reason for resigning as Secretary of the Interior under Trump, or why he doesn't just go get a "real" job to supplement his Navy Seal retirement funds.

I kept my mouth shut and didn't ask Zinke any questions. I figure he's already in enough trouble with voters.

All in all, it was a sad day for me. To watch these three guys lying to the good people of Chouteau County was too much. 

Fort Benton is rich in history. The levee saw many river boats dock and unload there. It was at one time the world's farthest inland port.

On Feb. 27, 2022, three Republican politicians floated in and dumped there, and it became the world's "farthest from the truth" port.

My home town will never smell the same again.


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