Montana's Evil Elephants are still at it. . .

The Montana Legislative Chapter of the Republican Party of Trump Cult still has a dozen or so bills that are rolling around in our court systems. They were bustin' at the seams to write terrible anti-rights bills as soon as they entered the Capitol. They obviously knew the bills would be challenged but they wanted to show us how tough and in control they were.

On April 26, 2021, the Montana Governor signed three bills restricting abortion access in the state that the GOP-controlled legislator passed, celebrating it as a success after several attempts to pass similar measures in previous years were vetoed by form Democrat governors. The bills ban abortion after 20 weeks of gestation, require health care providers to give pregnant women the opportunity to view an ultrasound before performing an abortion, and place several restrictions on abortion pills, including requiring that they be administered in-person rather than through telehealth. The govern said, after signing the bills, that "It's a promising day, a day that will go down in our state's history as we defend life."

Last Friday, February 225, 2022,  a Montana law that limited abortion providers was ruled unconstitutional by a district judge, blocking a law that would have stopped advanced practice registered nurses from being able to perform early abortion services.

The wheels of justice grinds slow, but it grinds, non the less.

We will await further word from the other anti-abortion bills that are under scrutiny in court cases around the state. The state GOP were only interested in seeing these bill passed. What happens to them in court is of little concern to them. They pertain to Montana women and girls - and who among us thinks that they are of any concern to a Republican? (unless, of course, they happen to be on the state GOP A-list)

We will remove these folks from our elected offices and get things back on track again. They've had their fun, celebrated their short-lived victories, and spruced up their re-election campaign portfolios.

Big deal. Small chances. 



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