Not the sharpest - or cleanest - knives in the drawer. . .

How much embarrassment does Montana have to live with? These four men of the Montana Republican Party of Trump are putting us to the limit! Each one has done something to make the "Last Best Place" a national embarrassment.'

First, Gov. Gianforte violated a state hunting requirement in July 2021 when he trapped and killed a wolf near Yellowstone National Park without first taking a mandated trapper education course, according to state officials. He was also arrested for body-slamming a reporter who asked him a question he didn't want to answer. He was fined and ordered to take Anger Management Therapy. Earlier this year, Gianforte legally also killed a radio-collared mountain lion in the Greater Yellowstone Area that generated national headlines, and one wildlife advocacy group said the incident raises more significant concerns beyond the killing of the animal. 

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines was asked by Twitter officials to take down a photo of Ukraine President Zelensky that he took from a Zoom call he and other senators had with the Ukrainian President. He had been cautioned not to use the photo because it may give the president's location away to the enemy. Dumb.

U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale is always up to something weird. He is, of course, a Trump-Republican and he announced last week that he is "more concerned about our southern border than what's going on in Ukraine, and America has no moral obligation to interfere with Russia or Ukraine."

And then there's Ryan Zinke. He is looking for another bite of the apple by announcing his candidacy for Montana's second U.S. House of Representative seat. "Abuse of office" charges that resulted in his resignation as Secretary of the Interior (under his old friend Donald Trump) still hang over his head. Funny thing - Montanans don't seem to know where Zinke even lives. He does have a home and a yacht in California, if anyone is interested. 

Recently, Montana's longtime columnist, George Ochenski, had a piece in the Helena Independent Record and the headline read:  Gianforte and Rosendale: National Embarrassments!"

Maybe Mr. Ochenski would like to include Daines and Zinke in his next column. 

Oh, Montana. . . The "Last Best Place" is sinking behind the mountains and beyond yonder sunset!

This has been my home for eighty-four years (minus two years I spent in the army) and I have never seen the Republican Party's elected officeholders so anti-Montana and anti-Montanans! We have been taken over by a bunch of out-0f-staters who are in it for money and power. 

So, what are we going to do about it?




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