Eighty-Four and there ain't no more. . .

A guy who just turned  eighty-four years of age should know when it's time to quit causing trouble. I've been doing this Blog for about twenty years and I have always tried to live up to its name, The Troublemaker. These twenty years were after I retired from 32 years in the newspaper business. 

But, while the mind is still willing, the fight seems unwinnable and my "one light in the darkness" is growing dimmer.

I am not a journalist and have never pretended to be one. I was seldom a writer in my 32 years as a newspaper man, but I always had an opinion and I had a thirst to write about it. I even found a way to express my opinions in political cartoons for about 40 years. I hope people judged me on my opinions and not my less-than-adequate writing and cartooning. 

But, our nation has a lot of cleaning-up to do. And, we need to make sure we don't make the same mistakes again. We have a lot of bad people in elected offices that shouldn't be there and we need to get them out however way is fastest. We need to start looking at people's character instead of their political affiliation when we vote.

An excellent example of how far off course we are can be heard and seen in the senate's questioning of Judge Jackson for confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. Two outrageous jackasses, Sen. Graham and Sen. Cruz, were extremely proud of themselves throwing barbs at Judge Jackson as they played "bad cop, bad cop." Their political theatre even brought murmurs and gasps from those in the gallery! (Their purpose: To get re-elected!)

I am no longer up to reliving the disgusting actions of such United States Senators and Representatives.  I don't need to remind anyone of the exploits of these twits. I'm sure our voters know what is happening and I'm also sure they know what to do about it.

I firmly believe we have treasonous traitors serving in congress today and they are, in the meanwhile, voting on items that concern all of us and can irreparably affect our lives! How did we let that happen?

I would take the opportunity to give my unsolicited piece of wisdom to my Blog readers: (1) Be better informed about your government  (2) Get involved with your government. (3)  Give your political party a rest break and think about what your country needs! 

. . . if you don't do it, who will?


P.S. - If an asteroid about 1000 miles in diameter is headed our way or Trump decides to run again (same conclusion) I might be able to get one more blog posted. Both have about a .0005% chance of happening, though.


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