They have taken our nation to the brink. . .

 Blood on their Hands - Hate in their Hearts

A very important election is coming to America Nov. 8, 2022 and it will need everyone's full attention. If you are squeamish about raw, unbridled, and unabridged talk about a political party that is not like the other one, then perhaps you shouldn't read any further.  But if you want to do your part to bring America back to sanity, then please read on. 

The former president still has a death grip on many members of the Republican Party of Trump, and he is inserting strong loyalists into Republican primary races to edge out incumbents who have spoken against him. It will create an anxious moment for voters because it will force them to "put their allegiance where their mouth is." Will they stick with "the evil one" or return to the candidate of the Grand Old Party? It will be interesting.

Democrats believe they can counter this sadistic move by crossing over in any state primary that allows it and voting for the incumbent. The thinking is it will eliminate Trump's "cronies" in the general election. However, if we use Wyoming as an example, this ploy may backfire. The former president has offered up a radical loyalist to oppose Liz Cheney in the primary. If the Democrats cross over and vote for Cheney and she wins, the Democrat candidate will have to face Cheney. Which candidate would be easier for a Democrat to beat? Cheney is widely accepted and has a great approval rating. 

My choice, as a Democrat, would be to campaign against the Trump acolyte in the general election who is a radical bumpkin and who just flew in from somewhere in outer space.

According to news reports, however, Democrats are in favor of cross-over voting in any state that will allow it.

I have always believed in meeting all problems head-on and relying on the voters to do the right thing. The current Trump Cult, however, only knows one way to win: Cheat! 

The Republican Party of Trump has blood on their hand and I'm not ready to give them help in washing it off just yet. They should not be allowed to return to normalcy- if, indeed, they want to -  until they have suffered the consequences of their evil actions! 

They are responsible for taking this nation to the brink - and we are still looking over the edge today!


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