Ginny's Being Bad. . .

Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is being accused of raising hell on and/or before the January 6, 2021 Insurrection on our Capitol. 

Ginny, as she is known by friends, is an activist of the highest order on the list of radical Republicans in Washington D.C.  With her bullhorn in hand, she is ready to fight the good fight for all that is unholy, highly undemocratic, and underhanded. At the very least, she is definitely under suspicion for inciting the Jan. 6th Insurrection!

Far be it from any of us to say she can't back whatever causes motivate her. The problem, however, is that her hubby, Justice Thomas, continues to participate in cases related to her political activities. He is the one whose conduct should be questioned.

Lower court judges are bound by a code of conduct that requires recusal for conflicts of interest, or even if their impartiality might be reasonably questioned, but for some reason Supreme Court justices are permitted to decide for themselves whether recusal is appropriate in a given case.

"It is striking that in more than 30 years on the Supreme Court, you have never - not once - recused yourself from a case because of a conflict of interest presented by professional political activities of your wife, a prominent Republican strategist who has been involved in some of the most controversial matters to come before the Court," wrote a March 8 letter that was sent from several progressive groups to Justice Thomas. The court's public information office refused to comment on the letter.

It's time for Justice Thomas to either give up his job, be removed from his job, or silence his wife.  While she is free to rant against our nation, the justice should be compelled to give her "an offer she can't refuse" or leave the court and let her "cheerlead the domestic terrorists' attack forces." It is reported that she is deliriously happy being married to a supreme court justice and she evidently believes it gives her "status" she craves in order to carry out her activism!  

If this is what she calls "status" and feels compelled to be an activist against our government, I think maybe - for the good of the nation - I'd shorten her leash about two hundred yards and hope she learns how to heel. 

Just a thought.



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