Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Pale face speaks with forked tongue. . .

"There  is nothing more precious in our democracy than the right to vote."

Montana Republican Senator Steve Fitzpatrick
SD10 - Great Falls and Cascade County

Strange words to come from the lips of a Montana Republican State Senator when his Party has introduced bills that have made it harder for Montanans to vote.  The world of "Trump Lies" is not dead yet - it is still alive and well in the Montana Republican-controlled Legislature.

Sen. Fitzpatrick wrote a column in the Helena Independent Record this morning ranting against the Racicot-Brown proposal to change our Primary Elections to a "Top Two" system. That would make our primary elections non-partisan and those with the top two vote count would fight it out in the general election. 

Sen. Fitzpatrick sponsored a bill to amend the absentee ballot eligibility.

Sen. Fitzpatrick voted to prohibit same day voter registration.

So, tell us Sen. Fitzpatrick. . . how important is that "precious right to vote." You, sir, are part of the problem - not part of the solution!

We Montanans need to pull the stopper on these Republicans and flush them down the drain. Their kind of thinking is only found in an authoritarian rule of government - where they can say one thing while voting for another. 

An Opinion by
John Watson


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