America's Price-Gouging and Greed: The Capitalistic Way

They're robbing us blind - and we shouldn't take it any longer. . .
Tyson Foods is the largest food company in the United States. Yes, they're not just chicken any more. While some Americans searched through cupboards and the bottom of their freezers for something to eat, Tyson was living high on the hog, as they say. Their profit picture took a nose-dive in 2021 and they limped across the finish line with a paltry THREE BILLION DOLLARS. One billion of it was in just the last quarter! And that was after one or two food recall losses, too.

But is Tyson the only price-gouging greedy-gut here? Not by a long shot!

A pack of 50 Kimberly-Clark N95 masks cost $2,319 in October 2021. By mid-January 2022, the same box of masks cost $5,715, according to the Groundwork Collaborative, an activist group focused on economic issues. 

But wait. . . there's more!

Lawmakers say it's price-gouging and greed, and it's not just happening in pandemic-related supplies. the cost of diapers, food and even drugs has skyrocketed dramatically in recent months as corporations have increased prices and maintained healthy profit margins.

To make matters even worse, large corporations have openly bragged to their investors about the obscene profits they are churning out. They are overtly saying, "read it and weep because you can't do anything about it." And, evidently we can't because we run right down to the store and keep buying.  We are idiots!

"Corporate greed motivated large companies to use the pandemic and supply chain issues as an excuse to raise prices simply because they could - and still can," said House Chairman Rep.. Frank Pallone (D-NJ).

So, what can we do?  One thing we must do is refuse to buy products from companies that we know are gouging us. We need to start watching news stories about the abuse. No one is going to take care of this for us - we must get pro-active and handle the crime ourselves. What is most irritating to us is the fact that this gouging continues and we haven't heard from any of our congressional people even talk about it.  This assault on the American people's wallets is in the billions - if not more. Perhaps those corporate lobbyists are getting their money's worth at our expense. And perhaps that is the central reason why no one in Washington is talking about it!

These crooks are cheating their own loyal customers! It's time to stop it at their retail outlets!



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