Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Messing With The Vote Count Is Their Game. . .

 The Republican Party's
Worst Nightmare
is if Every Registered Voter 

Just think about it. Every registered voter fills out their mail-in ballot, absentee ballot, or  went to the polls on election day and VOTED! What a sight that would be. And what an election result that would be, too!

It would also be the Republican Party's worst nightmare and most likely the end of their political party! You see, their only chance to win an election is to cheat. It is not due to external forces, either. Their problems are of their own making and so far they are hell bent to keep on the same course.

It's simple - voter suppression is their name and messing with the vote count is their game. They're also getting pretty good at screaming fraud in a packed polling place. And, if none of that works, they have stacked loyalists in key state election official positions when they come out losers in the election. 

Everything they do is as obvious as the nose on your face. Still, they have managed to acquire that look of magnificent innocence when they are accused of tampering with our election system.

The Republican Party is playing with fire. They are trying to keep their base of scoundrels under their wings while they fleece the rest of us on election day, but hey are fooling no one but themselves. We must also consider the possibility that maybe it's the only shot they have at success. The Republican Party, after all,  is definitely in a downward spiral toward extinction unless they want to join the rest of us and our democracy!

It certainly doesn't take a Blogger Wordsmith to figure this out.

Vote Blue in 2022

Opinion by
John Watson



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