Election statistics and dreaming of days of yore. . .

Let's take a trip down memory lane as we skip through the poison ivy, sage brush, and rattlesnakes. The year is 2020 and the national election has just wound down. Joe Biden won the popular vote of 81,253,0978 and his opponent, Donald Trump, garnered 74,222,958. More importantly, Biden won the electoral vote 306 to Trump's 232. The rest we'll try to forget!

The vote breakdown was as follows: 34% identified as Independent, 33% identified as Democrat, and 29% identified as Republican.  The total vote was the largest in U.S. history.

The mid-term election is set for Nov. 8, 2022 where all 435 U.S. House seats are up election and 34 U.S. Senate seats are up for election. Fifteen Republicans and thirteen Democrats are on the ballot this year, while six other seats remain open after senators announced they are not seeking reelection - five Republicans and one Democrat.

The next presidential election is set for Nov. 5, 2024.

That's it, folks. Let the fun begin. 

Two major things on everyone's mind for the 2024 presidential: Will Joe Biden's age stop him from running again, and will Donald Trump's ability to stay out of prison allow him to run again? Or, more important, what do the voters think about these two guys?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a normal election again?  We go to bed on the night of Nov. 5th - knowing who won the darn thing, and the loser conceded during a friendly phone call. Like the good old days of black and white television and the kids all came home before curfew.  Remember those days?  Mom and dad saw the kids faces during dinner instead of the top of their heads as they scrolled those damn hand-held devices from hell!

Sorry, I got carried away for a minute.


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