"She was a female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes. . . "

The Poster Child of Republican Election Fraud

Colorado's Mesa County Election Clerk, Tina Peters, has been indicted on 13 counts of election tampering and misconduct. 

Peters is the quintessential example of a Republican partisan who believes it is her right to embrace election-fraud conspiracy theories. She has been indicted on 13 counts of election tampering and misconduct. Her actions have made her a hero to election deniers across the country. Her charges stem from her alleged efforts to secretly copy hard drives from Dominion Voting Systems equipment, according to officials. 

As in other states like Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, the truth about the true election fraud committed by Trump and his wayward acolytes will surface and his game will end. . . one sorted story at a time.

However, to add insult to injury, Tina Peters (R) is, at present, running for the GOP nomination for Colorado secretary of state.

This is a story that should appear on every television network news hour and on the front pages of every newspaper across the country. It personifies the conspiracy theory lies that swept across our nation like the Covid pandemic and turned our 2020 election into a mockery. Even worse, it incited the worst insurrection on our U.S. Capitol in modern history.

Tina Peters is but one of hundreds of Republican stooges that were carrying out the will of their leader, Trump, who practiced the black art of sorcery of the occult. The warlock left many corpse strewn across the country of people who thought they would be rewarded by adhering to his wicked discipleship, but were sorely mistaken. 

Others, like Tina Peters, even believed they could rise to a more elevated position in the Republican cult by continuing to do his bidding. They, also, will learn their fate soon enough.

There will one day be justice for such traitors. If these people are allowed to tamper with our votes, how will our democracy survive? If this crime has no consequences - what crime does?



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