Another Devil incarnate. . .

In 16th century England, the Devil was considered to be a real living entity that roamed the land. The expression 'the devil in human form' wasn't a metaphor as we might use it now but an actuality. Someone whom the devil took the form of was referred to as the 'Devil incarnate.'

In 2016, another 'Devil incarnate' wreaked havoc on America in the form of Donald J. Trump. Even after his four-year term as president, his devilish words and actions bring many in his Republican Party to their knees. 

Trump will disappear in time, however, as another moves in to take his place. Another who will also be the Devil incarnate!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is such a candidate.

We must have learned by now how to spot them. After Trump spoke with a thousand lying tongues and made a mockery of our rule of law, we have learned how to spot them - haven't we? Don't we see how DeSantis is cut from the same Devil's cloth? When someone tells us how he is going to change our 245 years of democracy, our public education system, his tyrannical approach to how he will expect us to live under his ways, we should be finally able to spot the new Devil incarnate - shouldn't we?

Ron DeSantis would be such a man.

He is serving as the 46th Republican governor of Florida since 2019. Before that, he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida's 6th district from 2013 to 2018. He was born in Jacksonville, FL. He is a Harvard Law School and Yale University graduate.

He has been a loyal supporter of the previous Devil incarnate. Their pictures together are emblazoned in all of our minds. DeSantis was enamored with Trump's success at raising hell and disobeying the rules. He agreed with probably 99% of what Trump did and said.

Today, DeSantis is now trying to be his own man - his own Devil incarnate!  He wants to change what schools teach. He went against his state health officials in regards to masks and vaccinations. He forced a state health official out of office and hired an ill-equipped and uneducated loyalist to lie to Floridians about the Covid crisis and how to guard against it. Everything that was in the Trump play book, soon found its way into his. He recently walked into a school classroom and immediately told several students standing near the front of the room to take off those damn masks. If he had blond hair and was a bit more orange colored, it would have been frightening!

He is a good ol' southern boy who is still fighting the government and seems more than proud to carry the mantle that was once unceremoniously tossed about by Trump.

We do not need another Devil incarnate. There are reports that DeSantis is seriously considering a run for president in 2024 if Trump doesn't run again. That probably means DeSantis will be in the race.

We do not need a Ron DeSantis for president.


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